Saturday, 19 November 2016

Lesson Note On Topographic Map

Reading Topographic Maps
Image result for topographic map
 Interpreting the colored lines, areas, and other symbols is the first step in using topographic maps. Features are shown as points, lines, or areas, depending on their size and extent. For example, individual houses may be shown as small black squares. For larger buildings, the actual shapes are mapped. In densely built-up areas, most individual buildings are omitted and an area tint is shown. On some maps, post offices, churches, city halls, and other landmark buildings are shown within the tinted area.
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The first features usually noticed on a topographic map are the area features, such as vegetation (green), water (blue), and densely built-up areas (gray or red).
Many features are shown by lines that may be straight, curved, solid, dashed, dotted, or in any combination. The colors of the lines usually indicate similar classes of information: topographic contours (brown); lakes, streams, irrigation ditches, and other hydrographic features (blue); land grids and important roads (red); and other roads and trails, railroads, boundaries, and other cultural features (black). At one time, purple was used as a revision color to show all feature changes. Currently, purple is not used in our revision program, but purple features are still present on many existing maps.
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Various point symbols are used to depict features such as buildings, campgrounds, springs, water tanks, mines, survey control points, and wells. Names of places and features are shown in a color corresponding to the type of feature. Many features are identified by labels, such as “Substation” or “Golf Course.”
Image result for topographic map
Topographic contours are shown in brown by lines of different widths. Each contour is a line of equal elevation; therefore, contours never cross. They show the general shape of the terrain. To help the user determine elevations, index contours are wider. Elevation values are printed in several places along these lines. The narrower intermediate and supplementary contours found between the index contours help to show more details of the land surface shape. Contours that are very close together represent steep slopes. Widely spaced contours or an absence of contours means that the ground slope is relatively level. The elevation difference between adjacent contour lines, called the contour interval, is selected to best show the general shape of the terrain. A map of a relatively flat area may have a contour interval of 10 feet or less. Maps in mountainous areas may have contour intervals of 100 feet or more. The contour interval is printed in the margin of each U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) map.
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Bathymetric contours are shown in blue or black, depending on their location. They show the shape and slope of the ocean bottom surface. The bathymetric contour interval may vary on each map and is explained in the map margin.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Lesson Note On How To Used Theodolite/EDM Equipment

Theodolite/EDM Topographic Survey
Image result for How To Used Theodolite/EDM EquipmentImage result for How To Used Theodolite survey
Description: Using EDM instruments and optical or electronic theodolites, locate the positions and elevations of all topographic detail and a sufficient number of additional elevations to enable a representative contour drawing of the selected areas. 

Equipment: Theodolite, EDM, and one or more pole-mounted reflecting prisms.
Image result for How To Used Theodolite surveyImage result for How To Used Theodolite survey
• Set the theodolite at a control station (northing. easting, and elevation known), and backlight on another known control station.
• Set an appropriate reference angle (or azimuth) on the horizontal circle (e.g., 0°00'00" or some assigned azimuth).
• Set the height of the reflecting prisms (HR) on the pole equal to the height of the optical center of the theodolite/EDM (Hi).
• Prepare a sketch of the area to be surveyed.
• Begin taking readings on the appropriate points. Entering the data in the field notes and entering the shot number in the appropriate spot on the accompanying field-note sketch. Keep shot numbers sequential, perhaps beginning with 1,000. Work is expedited if two prisms are employed. While one prism-holder is walking to the next shot location. The instrument operators can be taking a reading on the other prism-holder.
Image result for How To Used Theodolite survey
• When all field shots (horizontal and vertical angles and horizontal distances) have been taken, sight the reference backsight control station again to verify the angle setting; also, verify that the height of the prism is unchanged.
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• Reduce the field notes to determine station elevations and course distances, if required.
Image result for How To Used Theodolite survey
• Plot the topographic features and elevations at scales.
• Draw contours over the surveyed areas.

Lesson Note On How to used total station

Total Station Topographic Survey
Image result for total station topographic survey
Description Using a total station and one or more pole-mounted reflecting prisms, plot all topographic features and any additional ground shots that are required to accurately define the terrain. See Figure D.l0.
Equipment:Total station and one, or more, pole-mounted reflecting prisms.
Image result for total station topographic survey
• Set the total station over a known control point (northing, easting, and elevation known).
• Set the program menu to the type of survey (topography) being performed and to the required instrument settings. Select the type of field data to be stored (e.g., N, E, and Z, or E, N, and Z, etc.). Set the temperature and pressure settings-if required.
• Check configuration settings, for example, tilt correction, coordinate format, zenith vertical angle, angle resolution (e.g., 5"), c + r correction (e.g., no.), units (ft/m, degree, mm Hg), and auto power off (say, 20').
• Identify the instrument station from the menu. Insert the date, station number coordinates, elevation, and Hi.
• Backsight to one or more known control point(s) (point number, north and east coordinates, and elevation known). Set the horizontal circle to 0°00'00" or to some assigned reference azimuth for the backsight reference direction. Store or record the data. Measure and store the reflector height.
Image result for total station topographic survey
• Set the initial topography point number in the instrument (e.g., 1,000), and set for automatic point number incrementation.
• Begin taking I.Ss. Most total stations have an automatic mode for topographic surveys, where one button-push will measure and store all the point data.
• Put all or some selected point numbers on the field sketch. These field notes will be of assistance later in the editing process if mistakes have occurred.
• When all required points have been surveyed, check into the control station originally back sighted to ensure that the instrument orientation is still valid.
• Transfer the field data into a properly labeled file in a computer.
• After opening the data processing program, import the field data file and begin the editing process and the graphics generation process.
Image result for total station topographic survey
• Create the TIN (Triangulated Integrated Network) and Contours.
• Either finish the drawing with the working program or finish it on a CAD program.
• Prepare a plot file and then plot the sheet on scale.
Reference: Surveying with Construction Applications Seventh Edition

Barry. F. Kavanagh pages: 616-620