Saturday 18 June 2016



The art of determining relative altitudes of points on the surface of the earth of beneath the surface of earth is called LEVELLING.
A contour is defined as an imaginary line of constant elevation on the ground surface. It can also be defined as the line of intersection of a level surface with the ground surface. For example, the line of intersection of the water surface of a still lake or pond with the surrounding ground represents a contour line.
A line joining points of equal elevations is called a contour line. It facilitates depiction of the relief of terrain in a two dimensional plan or map.
Characteristics of contour:
The principal characteristics of contour lines which help in plotting or reading a contour map are as follows:
1.     The variation of vertical distance between any two contour lines is assumed to be uniform.
2.     The horizontal distance between any two contour lines indicates the amount of slope and varies inversely on the amount of slope. Thus, contours are spaced equally for uniform slope
3.     The steepest slope of terrain at any point on a contour is represented along the normal of the contour at that point. They are perpendicular to ridge and valley lines where they cross such lines.
4.     Contours do not pass through permanent structures such as buildings.
5.     Contours of different elevations cannot cross each other (caves and overhanging cliffs are the exceptions). 
6.     Contours of different elevations cannot unite to form one contour (vertical cliff is an exception). 
7.     Contour lines cannot begin or end on the plan.
8.     A contour line must close itself but need not be necessarily within the limits of the map.
9.     A closed contour line on a map represents either depression or hill . A set of ring contours with higher values inside, depicts a hill whereas the lower value inside, depicts a depression (without an outlet).
10.  Contours deflect uphill at valley lines and downhill at ridge lines. Contour lines in U-shape cross a ridge and in V-shape cross a valley at right angles. The concavity in contour lines is towards higher ground in the case of ridge and towards lower ground in the case of valley . 
11.  Contours do not have sharp turnings.
Contour Interval:  
The vertical distance between any two consecutive contours       is known as a contour interval. For example, if the various   consecutive contours are 100m, 98m,96 m etc., then the contour interval is 2m. This interval depends upon,
·         The nature of the ground
·         The scale of the map and
·         The purpose of  survey
Contour intervals for flat country are generally small, eg. 0.25m, 0.5m,  0.75 m etc. For a steep slope in hilly area is greater, eg. 5m, 10m,  15 m etc.
Again ,for a small-scale map, the interval may be of 1m,2m,3m etc. and for large scale map,it may be of 0.25m,0.50m,0.75m etc.
It should be remembered that the contour interval for a particular map is constant. 
The process of locating these contour lines on the surface of the earth is known as contouring.  
Methods of contouring:
The method of establishing / plotting contours in a plan or map is known as contouring. It requires planimetric position of the points and drawing of contours from elevations of the plotted points. Contouring involves providing of vertical control for location of points on the contours and horizontal control for planimetric plotting of points. Thus, contouring depends upon the instruments used (to determine the horizontal as well as vertical position of points). In general, the field methods of contouring may be divided into two classes:
1.     Direct methods
2.     Indirect methods
Direct Method:
In the direct method, the contour to be plotted is actually traced on the ground. Points which happen to fall on a desired contour are only surveyed, plotted and finally joined to obtain the particular contour. This method is slow and tedious and thus used for large scale maps, small contour interval and at high degree of precision. 
Vertical control : 
In this method, a benchmark is required in the project area. The level is set up on any commanding position and back sight is taken on the bench mark. Let the back sight reading on the bench mark be 1.485 m. If the reduced level of the bench mark is 100 m, the height of instrument would be 100 + 1.485 = 101.485 m.
To locate the contour of 100.5 m value, the staff man is directed to occupy the position on the ground where the staff reading is 101.485 -100.500 = 0.985 m. Mark all such positions on the ground where the staff reading would be 0.985 m by inserting pegs. Similarly locate the points where the staff reading would be 101.485 -101 = 0.485 m for 101m contour.
The contour of 101.5 m cannot be set from this setting of the instrument because the height of instrument for this setting of the instrument is only 101.485 m. Therefore, locating contours of higher value, the instrument has to be shifted to some other suitable position.
Establish a forward station on a firm ground and take fore sight on it. This point acts as a point of known elevation, for shifting the position of the instrument to another position, from where the work proceeds in the similar manner till the entire area is contoured.
Horizontal control :
The horizontal control is generally provided by method of plane table surveying or locating the positions of points.
Indirect method of contouring:
In this method, the spot levels of selected guide points are taken with a level and their levels are computed. The horizontal positions of these points are measured or computed and the points are plotted on the plan. The contours are then drawn by a process called interpolation of contours from the levels of the guide points. The following are the indirect methods are commonly used for locating contours.
1.     Squares or Grid method
2.     Cross section method
Square or grid method:
In this method, the area to be surveyed is divided into a grid or series of squares. The grid size may vary from 5 m x 5 m to 25 m x 25 m depending upon the nature of the terrain, the contour interval required and the scale of the map desired. Also, the grids may not be of the same size throughout but may vary depending upon the requirement and field conditions. The grid corners are marked on the ground and spot levels of these comers are determined by leveling. The grid is plotted to the scale of the map and the spot levels of the grid corners are entered. The contours of desired values are then located by interpolation. Special care should be taken to give the spot levels to the salient features of the ground such as hilltops, deepest points of the depressions, and their measurements from respective corners of the grids, for correct depiction of the features. The method is used for large scale mapping and at average precision. 
Cross section method:
In these sections, a base line, centre line or profile line is considered.  Cross sections are taken perpendicular to this line at regular intervals.  After this points are marked along the cross sections at regular intervals.  A temporary bench mark is set up near the site.  Staff readings are taken along the base line and the cross sections. The readings are entered in the level book the base line and the cross sections should also be mentioned.  The RL of each of the points calculated.  Then the base line and cross sections are plotted to a suitable scale.  Subsequently the RLs of the respective points are noted on the map, after which the required contour line is drawn by interpolation
This method is suitable for route survey, when cross sections are taken transverse to the longitudinal section.
Method of interpolation of contours:
The process of locating the contours proportionately between the plotted points is termed interpolation.  Interpolation may be done by:
1.     Arithmetical calculation
2.     The graphical method
By arithmetical calculation
Let A and B be two corners of the squares.  The RL of A is 98.75 m, and that of B 100.75 m.  the horizontal distance between A and B is 10m.
Horizontal distance between A and B = 10m
Vertical difference A and B = 100.75-98.75=2m
Let a contour of 99.00 m be required.  Then,
Difference of level between A and 99.00m contour = 99.00-98.75=0.25m
Therefore, distance of 99.00 m contour line form A= 10/2 *0.25=1.25m
This calculated distance is plotted to the same scale in which the skeleton was plotted to obtain a point of RL of 99.00 m.
Similarly, the other points can be located.
By graphical method
On a sheet of tracing paper, a line AB is drawn and divided into equal parts.  AB is bisected at C and a perpendicular is drawn at this point.  A point O is selected on this perpendicular line and then radial lines are drawn from O to the divisions on AB.  After this lines 1-1, 2-2, 3-3….are drawn parallel to AB.  These lines serve as guide lines.  Boundary line and every fifth the line is marked with a thick or red line.
Suppose we have to interpolate a 2m contour between two points a and b of RLs 92.5 and 100.75m.
Let us consider the lowest radial line OB to represent an RL of 90.00. So, every fifth line will represent 95,100,105, etc.  The tracing paper is moved over the plan until ‘a’ lies at 92.5 and ‘b’ at 100.25. Line ‘ab’ should be parallel to AB.  Now the points 94, 96, 98,100 are picked through to obtain the positions of the required contours.
Method of interpolation of contours:
The process of locating the contours proportionately between the plotted points is termed interpolation.  Interpolation may be done by:
1.     Arithmetical calculation
2.     The graphical method
By arithmetical calculation
Let A and B be two corners of the squares.  The RL of A is 98.75 m, and that of B 100.75 m.  the horizontal distance between A and B is 10m.
Horizontal distance between A and B = 10m
Vertical difference A and B = 100.75-98.75=2m
Let a contour of 99.00 m be required.  Then,
Difference of level between A and 99.00m contour = 99.00-98.75=0.25m
Therefore, distance of 99.00 m contour line form A= 10/2 *0.25=1.25m
This calculated distance is plotted to the same scale in which the skeleton was plotted to obtain a point of RL of 99.00 m.
Similarly, the other points can be located.
By graphical method
On a sheet of tracing paper, a line AB is drawn and divided into equal parts.  AB is bisected at C and a perpendicular is drawn at this point.  A point O is selected on this perpendicular line and then radial lines are drawn from O to the divisions on AB.  After this lines 1-1, 2-2, 3-3….are drawn parallel to AB.  These lines serve as guide lines.  Boundary line and every fifth the line is marked with a thick or red line.
Suppose we have to interpolate a 2m contour between two points a and b of RLs 92.5 and 100.75m.

Let us consider the lowest radial line OB to represent an RL of 90.00. So, every fifth line will represent 95,100,105, etc.  The tracing paper is moved over the plan until ‘a’ lies at 92.5 and ‘b’ at 100.25. Line ‘ab’ should be parallel to AB.  Now the points 94, 96, 98,100 are picked through to obtain the positions of the required contours.

How to prepare Construction Quotations and Estimate?

How to prepare Construction Quotations and Estimate?
Preparation of quotation for construction works depends on the type of work to be carried out. Whenever a quotation is required by the client for particular work, they provide the detailed specification of works to be carried out. For example, if quote for brickwork is required by the client, the details about type of work such as brickwork in superstructure or sub-structure, or at particular height, the mix proportion of cement and sand, etc. are provided. All you have to do is to estimate the unit rate for the brickwork for the given specification of the work and provide the rate to the client. For estimating unit rate of brickwork, the cost of materials such as bricks, cement, sand and water, the labor required for unit work done, cost / rent of tools and equipment, contractor’s profit, contingencies etc. need to be calculated and summed up.
Thus to estimate the cost of unit quantity of particular work, the cost of materials, tools, equipment, labor, transportation, profit, contingencies etc. shall be considered for the calculation.

Friday 17 June 2016

Using a Total Station

Using a Total Station

For those who may wish a more detailed explanation of the use of the total station, the following description may be helpful.
A total station (Fig. 5) is a combination electronic transit and electronic distance measuring device (EDM). With this device, as with a transit and tape, one may determine angles and distances from the instrument to points to be surveyed. With the aid of trigonometry, the angles and distances may be used to calculate the actual positions (x, y, and z or northing, easting and elevation) of surveyed points in absolute terms.
A standard transit is basically a telescope with cross-hairs for sighting a target; the telescope is attached to scales for measuring the angle of rotation of the telescope (normally relative to north as 0 degrees) and the angle of inclination of the telescope (relative to the horizontal as 0 degrees). After rotating the telescope to aim at a target, one may read the angle of rotation and the angle of inclination from a scale. The electronic transit provides a digital read-out of those angles instead of a scale; it is both more accurate and less prone to errors arising from interpolating between marks on the scale or from mis-recording. The readout is also continuous; so angles can be checked at any time.
The other part of a total station, the electronic distance measuring device or EDM, measures the distance from the instrument to its target. The EDM sends out an infrared beam which is reflected back to the unit, and the unit uses timing measurements to calculate the distance traveled by the beam. With few exceptions, the EDM requires that the target be highly reflective, and a reflecting prism is normally used as the target. The reflecting prism (Figs. 5 and 6) is a cylindrical device about the diameter of a soft-drink can and about 10 cm. in height; at one end is a glass covering plate and at the other is a truncated cone with a threaded extension. It is normally screwed into a target/bracket on the top of a pole; the pointed tip of the pole is placed on the points to be surveyed.
The total station also includes a simple calculator to figure the locations of points sighted. The calculator can perform the trigonometric functions needed, staring with the angles and distance, to calculate the location of any point sighted.
Many total stations also include data recorders. The raw data (angles and distances) and/or the coordinates of points sighted are recorded, along with some additional information (usually codes to aid in relating the coordinates to the points surveyed). The data thus recorded can be directly downloaded to a computer at a later time. The use of a data recorder further reduces the potential for error and eliminates the need for a person to record the data in the field.
The determination of angles and distance are essentially separate actions. One aims the telescope with great care first; this is the part of the process with real potential for human error. When the telescope has been aimed, the angles are determined. Only then does one initiate the reading of the distance to the target by the EDM. That takes only a few seconds; the calculations are performed immediately.
The total station is mounted on a tripod and leveled before use. Meanwhile, the prism is mounted on a pole of known height; the mounting bracket includes aids for aiming the instrument. The prism is mounted so that its reflection point is aligned with the center of the pole on which it has been mounted. Although the tip of the pole is placed on the point to be surveyed, the instrument must be aimed at the prism. So it will calculate the position of the prism, not the point to be surveyed. Since the prism is directly above the tip, the height of the pole may be subtracted to determine the location of the point. That may be done automatically. (The pole must be held upright, and a bubble level is attached to give the worker holding the pole a check. It is not as easy as one might expect to hold the pole upright, particularly if there is any wind; as a result, multiple readings may be required. Because of that problem, the sighting method chosen at Pompeii was, if possible, not to begin by sighting on the prism itself but on the tip of the pole where it touched the ground. The angle from north would then be fixed and unaffected by the movement of the pole. Then the aim of the telescope could be raised to the level of the prism, adjusting only the angle of inclination.)
In Pompeii a Topcon total station was used,* and we quickly learned a few features of the equipment. (Mr. Eiteljorg had driven to Charlottesville to learn the idiosyncrasies of the instrument in May, but a malfunctioning battery cut the session short, and a few "simple" or "trivial" processes turned out to be neither simple nor trivial without practice.) For instance, leveling the total station is more difficult than we had realized (and spongy soil is devastating, since the instrument is naturally unstable if its support is), and it depends upon accurate adjustment of the bubble level built into the instrument. We also learned that datum points were more difficult to select than expected, since they had to be repeatable; that is, we had to be able to find them again and again with absolute accuracy - this year and next.
When the instrument is set up and turned on, it sets itself to be pointing to zero degrees (north) when power is first supplied. The user must then re-set the instrument to zero degrees when it is actually pointing north; we learned that there is no secondary battery for back-up. When the battery dies, the instrument must be re-set for zero degrees.
Fortunately, these lessons came in the first day or two, and we had no more surprises. (One problem was on-going, however. There are two adjustment knobs for rotating within the horizontal plane. One rotates the telescope to make a sighting, with the readout of angles displaying changes. The other, however, permits the user to rotate the entire instrument and to keep the current angle unchanged during the process. That effectively re-orients the zero or north setting. That can be very helpful when setting up or re-setting the instrument, but, of course, it can be devastating if one makes that adjustment by mistake and thereby changes the north setting. This particular instrument was designed in such a way that it was too easy to re-set the instrument when one only wanted to make a sighting.)
Since we were dealing with standing architecture, the prism pole was often inadequate for our work. The pole is designed to be placed on the survey point in a vertical position; it cannot be placed on a point on the face of a wall. In fact, a prism pole can rarely be placed against the face of a wall because of the bulk of the prism, the pole, and the target to which the prism is attached. We devised two alternate methods for dealing with points on a wall. One involved the use of reflecting tape instead of the prism. Since we were working at such short range, bicycle reflecting tape would reflect the infrared beam well enough to permit the EDM to make a reading. It was a bit slower than using the prism, but it worked. (Bicycle reflectors worked, but their back surfaces were not in the same plane as their reflecting surfaces; so the measurements they generated were from a point too near the face of the reflector by a few millimeters.)
The other method for dealing with points on a wall involved the use of the prism without its pole and target. We could simply position the prism against the point on the wall to be surveyed and take the shot. However, the prism is designed to work on the pole - to give a reading to the center of the pole rather than the back of the prism. In this case, that meant that the prism gave a reading some 13 mm. behind the backmost point of the prism housing. We fashioned a shim with a 13 mm. thickness to attach to the back of one of the prisms (fortunately, we had two prisms). Then the prism could be placed against the point in question and a reading made. The only problem - and the reason reflecting tape was sometimes preferred - was that the prism could not always be placed in a corner and sometimes could not be placed correctly while continuing to face the transit and EDM for reflecting the infrared beam.
When using reflecting tape or a prism without a pole, the tape or prism hides the point to be surveyed. So we aimed the telescope at the point to be surveyed before interposing either tape or prism and maintained the aim of the instrument while putting the tape or prism in position. That reduced the possible error for angular measurement. In the case of the prism, after it was put into position, the transit operator would direct the person holding the prism so that it was aimed directly back at the instrument. (That would have required a walkie-talkie had we been working in a larger area.)
The survey information was recorded by hand, and the data were then entered into the AutoCAD model. We were able to use the data directly, no matter where the machine had been set up for a given session, thanks to an AutoCAD feature called the user coordinate system. Using that AutoCAD feature, each set of data could be entered accurately, regardless of the transit set-up point. (It is unnecessary to describe that process here, but a complete description is available from CSA.)
This process is not necessary if a data collector with the most modern of capabilities is available. The data collector can automatically orient all new points to a pre-existing set of survey coordinates. But the process we developed worked well and easily, and it gave us a check of our own accuracy as we manipulated the model and created the alternate user coordinate systems. We also put it into practice in a way designed to make it obvious to the user if he was not entering the data correctly. More important, we can use equipment with various levels of sophistication.

*The instrument used measures to within 5 seconds for vertical and horizontal angles. The electronic distance measuring device (EDM) measures to within 5 mm. and 3 parts per million; so the error will be no more than than the sum of 5 mm. and 3 parts per million of the measured distance from instrument to prism. Instruments are available which measure to tighter tolerances, but for short-range work such as we were doing at Pompeii -- nothing we measured was more than 100 m. from the instrument and most of the work was within 25 m. - the accuracy of the transit and EDM were more than sufficient. The EDM error at 100 m. would be no more than 5 mm. (3 parts per million at 100 m. adds less than a mm. to the maximum error). At 100 m. an error of 5 seconds in an angular reading would make only a 2 mm. error in position; at 40 m., the angular error drops below 1 mm. For the vast majority of the work, then, the maximum theoretical error was the error of the EDM, 5 mm. Of course, human error may add to machine error.

BG-Map Surveying Tip Procedure for Collecting Total Station Field Mapping Data

Procedure for Collecting Total Station Field Mapping Data and
Entry into BG-Map Software on Palmtop

Prior to Physical Setup of the Total Station
1.    Organize all items found on the "Checklist for Field Collecting" and bring all items necessary to the field mapping location.
2.    Go out into the garden and find the control point that will become the first site for data collection. Be sure you also know the identification number of this control point.
3.    Visually locate and determine the identification number of the second control point that will allow you to orient the total station properly. The second control point must be visible for proper total station set up.
Note: For reference purposes throughout these instructions, the front of the total station is the side facing the object to be measured and the back of the total station is the side with the LCD display panel.

Tripod Setup
4.    Begin setting up the yellow and orange tripod by spreading the legs and extending/contracting the legs so that the height of the tripod will be suitable for observation when the total station is placed on top of the tripod. (Note: Remember that the collimator (crude siting device) on top of the total station is used regularly during total station operation and must be low enough for easy use.)
5.    Remove the orange plastic protective cover from the tripod head by turning the red center screw counter-clockwise on the underside of the tripod head.
6.    Position the tripod directly over the top of a control point, spreading the legs far enough to insure stability. Make sure, by sighting downward through the center screw on the tripod, that the tripod is centered over the control point. Position the tripod shoes firmly on the ground, keeping in mind the need to remain over the top of the control point and that the tripod should remain relatively level.

Mounting the Total Station
7.    With the tripod in place, carefully remove the total station from its carrying case and place it on the tripod head. Attach the total station to the tripod head loosely by turning the red mounting screw clockwise.
8.    With the total station still loosely attached to the tripod head, look through the eye piece on the black optical plummet two-in-one knob located on the front side of the total station (This eye piece provides a view with a center mark that allows you to center the total station directly over the top of the control point). Rotate the optical plummet eye piece knob (the smaller of the two-in-one knobs) until the center mark can be seen clearly.
9.    Rotate the focusing knob (the larger of the two-in-one optical plummet eye piece knobs) until the control point on the ground is in focus.
10.  Now, slide the total station around on top of the tripod while viewing the control point through the eye piece of the optical plummet. Once the total station is centered over the control point (with the center mark over the control point), tighten the red tripod mounting screw so that the total station is firmly attached to the tripod.(At least, have the center mark overlap some part of the control point.)
Note: If you are unable to see the control point through the eye piece, return to step 4 and repeat the tripod set up procedure again.

Leveling the Total Station
11.  With the tripod and total station now centered over the top of the control point, adjust the tripod legs by extending/contracting them, to position the bubble of the circular vial located on the tribrach of the total station to the center. (DO NOT try to push down on the tripod shoe with your foot to make these adjustments-this may disturb the tripod location.)
12.  With the tripod now level, release the black clamp screw (the smaller of a two-in-one knob located on the back side of the total station to the right of the square red power supply switch) by turning it counter-clockwise until the total station rotates freely.
13.  Rotate the total station until the back of the unit is aligned with two of the leveling screws located on the bottom plate of the total station (Let's call this POSITION #1). Re-tighten the clamp screw. Look for the plate vial (or leveling "bubble") located just above the display panel on the back of the total station. The plate vial will be used to make fine adjustments in leveling.
14.  Begin leveling in POSITION #1 by turning the two leveling screws in opposite directions until the bubble on the plate vial moves to the center of the glass level. With POSITION #1 leveled, loosen the clamp screw and rotate the total station until it aligns with another set of leveling screws (Let's call this POSITION #2). Repeat the leveling procedure by turning the clamp screws in POSITION #2 until the plate vial bubble is once again centered. Loosen the clamp screw and rotate the total station back to POSITION #1 and repeat the leveling procedure. This procedure should be repeated from POSITION #1 to POSITION #2 until both positions remain centered without further adjustments.
15.  Upon completion of leveling, the "bubble" of the circular vial (located on the tribrach of the total station just above the leveling screws) should still remain in the center. If not, return to step 11 and check the level again.

Powering Up the Total Station
16.  Turn on the total station by pressing the red power supply switch (the red square button) once on the back of the total station. After the machine beeps, the display panel will display the message: "TURN SCOPE". Loosen the black telescope clamp screw (the smaller of a two-in-one knob located on the back of the total station directly above the power supply switch) by turning the knob counter-clockwise. Pivot the objective lens assembly vertically at least 90o until the "TURN SCOPE" message disappears. Now, re-tighten the telescope clamp screw and remove the lens cover protecting the objective lens.

Powering Up the Palmtop Computer
17.  With the total station powered up, attach the palmtop computer to the mounting bracket on the tripod and plug the 9-pin female cable into the palmtop. Plug the other end of the cable (round slotted male connector) into the total station (The receptacle is located on the front of the total station just above the optical plummet eye piece).
18.  Press the "ON" button in the upper right corner of the key pad. When the screen display shows the "Plant Records Mt. Cuba Center for the Study of Piedmont Flora", press the blue "FILER" key (this key contains the symbol of a filing card) in the upper left quadrant of the key pad.
19.  Press the "PG DN" (Ñ) key in the upper right quadrant of the key pad until "bgmap.bat" is highlighted in black. Press the "ENTER" key. The next screen should be the "BG-Map Total Station Interface".
NOTE: If the screen is too small to read, press and hold the purple "FN" function button while pressing the "ZOOM" key intermittently to determine the most desirable screen size.
Computer/Total Station Alignment Setup
20.  Enter the Setup mode by pressing the "S" key. The Setup Menu appears. Press the "U" key to select the units of measure and press the "f" (feet) key.
21.  To begin setting the Station Coordinates, press the "S" key. You will be prompted with: "Coord? (#StationID)". Enter the IDnumber (ie. 2975) of the control point you have selected for your setup location preceded by the # sign; for example #2975 (This is the location where the total station is currently located). Press the "ENTER" key. Coordinates will appear next to the Station X and Station Y labels at the top of the page.
22.  Next, press the "A" key to begin manually setting the horizontal angle. Enter the Idnumber (ie. 2973) of the control point where the prism is set up preceded by the # sign; for example #2973 (this is the other line-of-sight control point that will tell the total station where it is located). Press the "ENTER" key.
23.  Write down or note the Azimuth; for example 1802' 50". You will use this information in Step #24 as you align the total station with the second control point. DO NOT press the space bar on the palmtop as instructed. Press "Q" to quit (the palmtop returns to the Setup Menu).
24.  Now, return to the total station and release the black clamp screw (the smaller of a two-in-one knob located on the back side of the total station to the right of the square red power supply switch). Rotate the total station until the display panel reads an angle close to the Azimuth angle you wrote down in Step #23; in this example, 1802' 50". Tighten the clamp screw and turn the larger tangent screw knob on the two-in-one knob to make the necessary fine adjustment. Once you have the exact angle showing on the display panel, press the "H.HOLD" button on the back of the total station below the display panel TWICE. The angle has been locked into the total station memory.
25.  Release the clamp screw so the total station can rotate. (NOTE: the angle will not change as the total station rotates.) Using the collimator (a crude sighting device) on the top of the total station instrument, align the total station with the prism. Utilizing the telescope tangent screw and the tangent screw, center the eyepiece lens vertically and horizontally on the prism with the cross hairs centered on the prism. Focus on the prism using the large focusing knob as necessary.
26.  Now, with the total station aligned horizontally and vertically with the prism, press the "H.HOLD" button on the back of the total station below the display panel ONCE. This links the azimuth angle (in the example 1802' 50") on paper between the two control points, to the instrument in the field.


Tuesday 14 June 2016

How to Set Up a Total Station

How to Set Up a Total Station

  1. Total stations are used by land surveyors and professional engineers to collect field data to complete their projects.ü There are many different brands of these instruments, but all of them are mounted on three-legged tripods and must remain completely level at all times for the data to be accurate.
  2. Extend all three tripod legs to a comfortable heightü Tighten the knobs (IMAGE 1)üOpen up the legs to form a triangle on the ground.(IMAGE 2)IMAGE 1 IMAGE 2
  3. Using both hands at all times, place the instrument on the top of the tripod. (IMAGE 3)ü Gently secure the instrument with the tripod screw underneath.(IMAGE 4)IMAGE 3 IMAGE 4
  4. Press all three tripod legs firmly into the ground.(IMAGE 5)IMAGE 5
  5. Raise and/or lower each of the tripod legs until the bubble is roughly centered in the circular level.
  6. For fine-tuning, rotate the instrument until it is lined up horizontally with leveling screws A and B (IMAGE 6),and turn those same screws evenly in opposite directions until the bubble in the plate level is completely centered(IMAGE 7).IMAGE 6 IMAGE 7
  7. Rotate the instrument 90°(perpendicular) and repeat Step 5, but using only the third leveling screw instead. (IMAGE 8)IMAGE 8
  8. Rotate the instrument 90° (perpendicular) back to the first two leveling screws to double check that the bubble is still centered in the plate level. (IMAGE 9)IMAGE 9
  9. The instrument is now completely setup and ready to use!

Sunday 12 June 2016

Becoming great