Monday 27 June 2016

Lesson Note On Traverse Computations

Traverse Computations
A. Overview
A traverse is a series of connected lines whose lengths and angular relationships are measured.
1. Traverse configuration
A traverse is either a loop or a link:
Loop Link
begins and ends on the same point begins on one point and ends on another
2. Traverse Type
A traverse is either:
Open - no mathematical checks
Closed - includes at least one mathematical check
A loop traverse is closed if all its angles and distances are measured.
In order for a link traverse to be closed it must begin and end on two points whose positions are known in the same system.

 B. Computation Steps
Traverse computations is the process of taking field measurement through a series of mathematical calculations to determine final traverse size and configuration. These calculations include error compensation as well as reformation to determine quantities not directly measured.
Traditional traverse computation steps are:
1. Balance (adjust) angles
2. Determine line directions
3. Compute latitudes and departures
4. Traverse Adjustment: Balance latitudes and departures
5. Determine adjusted line lengths and directions
6. Compute coordinates
7. Compute area
8. Closed Link Traverse
9. Traverse Adjustment by Coordinates
10. Forcing Closure
The order of some steps can be changed. For example, steps 1 and 2 would be reversed for closed link traverses with directions at both ends.  Balancing angles would normally not be done If a least squares adjustment is used at step 4.
A traditional approach does not need coordinates, even for area determination. Most software, however does.  Whether done manually or with software, the process starts with coordinate computations; at each successive step those initial coordinates are updated reflecting the operation.
Our process will follow the traditional computation steps.
Balancing Angles
A. Angular Condition
1.Interior Angles
For a closed non-crossing loop traverse, the angle condition is:

A loop traverse which crosses itself doesn’t have conventional “interior” angles so the previous equation won’t work. Some other angle condition must be established for such cases.

2. Deflection Angles
If deflection angles are used, the angle condition depends on how many times, if any, the traverse crosses itself.
Crosses even times: Crosses odd times:
Right deflection angles are positive (+), left are negative (-)
Angle condition equations are exact so their 0°, 180°, and 360°, respectively, are also exact.

3. Link Traverse
In order to determine angular misclosure for a closed link traverses, known directions are required at both ends:


B. Angular Misclosure
Angular misclosure is the difference between the total measured angles on a traverse and the angle condition for the traverse configuration.
The amount of allowable angular misclosure is dependant on the survey purpose. The limits are generally expressed as an error of a series:

C: allowable misclosure, seconds
k: expected error in each angle, seconds
n: number of angles
Traditional formal standards from the FGCS Standards and Specifications for Geodetic Control Networks are:
Order Class k (sec)
First - 1.7
Second I 3.0
  II 4.5
Third I 10.0
  II 12.0
What is the allowable angular misclosure for a five-sided traverse if it is to meet Second Order Class II standards?
From the previous table, k = 4.5".

Because this is a five-sided loop traverse, the angles should sum to:

Therefore, the total should be in the range 539°59'50" to 540°00'10"

Informal standards can be created which reflect equipment, experience, conditions, project needs, etc.
A control network is to be established for a construction project. Sight distances will be relatively short (under 300 ft) so measuring angles consistently will be a challenge. Testing under these conditions, our survey crew was able to measure an angle to a consistency of ±0°00'12". For this project, we will use an allowable misclosure of:

C. Angular Misclosure Distribution
Normally, the first step in traverse computations is distribution of the angular misclosure in order to meet the angular condition. This is referred to as angle adjustment. If performing a least squares traverse adjustment, angles are  not adjusted since the angular misclosure is part of the overall adjustment.
Because angular misclosure is due to random errors, a distribution method which approximates their behavior would be the best to use. There are a few simplified methods which can be applied, each having advantages and disadvantages:
Method Process Advantage Disadvantage
Don’t distribute - - Simple; Can be replicated. Unless using a least squares adjustment, this method does not try to reconcile error accumulation.
Arbitrary Put all error into random angle. None. Doesn't model errors well; Difficult to replicate.
Equal distribution Apply equal correction to each angle. Simple; Can be replicated. Assumes error is same in each angle; Can imply incorrect angle accuracy.
Judgment Apply different corrections to each angle depending on measurement repetition and conditions. Relatively simple; Better error modeling. Requires direct knowledge of measurement conditions.
One thing we do not base corrections on is angle size. An angle is the difference between a total station’s initial and final readings; size of the angle has no impact on its error.

Example: Given the following traverse and measured angles:
  Point Angle
A 125°30'20"
B 88°21'31"
C 112°38'35"
D 104°21'40"
E 109°07'41"
sum: 539°59'47"

Since the angle total is short of the angle condition, corrections must be added.
Using an equal distribution

Apply correction:
Point Angle corr’n Corr’d Angle
A 125°30'20" +0°00'02.6" 125°30'22.6"
B 88°21'31" +0°00'02.6" 88°21'33.6"
C 112°38'35" +0°00'02.6" 112°38'37.6"
D 104°21'40" +0°00'02.6" 104°21'42.6"
E 109°07'41" +0°00'02.6" 109°07'43.6"
sums: 539°59'47" +0°00'13.0" 540°00'00.0"
  check check
While the corrected angles total the angle condition, each is shown to 0.1" which implies a higher accuracy than shown in the original angles. Rounding each to the nearest second raises the total to 540°00'05".
Using judgment
In this case, we take into account measurement conditions.
Consider point E, which has short sights on both sides. Shorter sights generally have higher pointing errors (given same target sizes).
Also, the field crew reported larger repeated direct and reverse angle spreads at point C.
The equal distribution’s correction was +0°00'02.6" per angle. We can drop that to +0°00'02" per angle for our three strongest angles (+0°00'06" total) and divide the remaining 0°00'07" among the two weaker ones.
Point Angle corr’n Corr’d Angle
A 125°30'20" +0°00'02" 125°30'22"
B 88°21'31" +0°00'02" 88°21'33"
C 112°38'35" +0°00'04" 112°38'39"
D 104°21'40" +0°00'02" 104°21'42"
E 109°07'41" +0°00'03" 109°07'44"
sums: 539°59'47" +0°00'13" 540°00'00"
  check check
This takes into account individual conditions. The resulting angles do not imply accuracy beyond the original measurements.

A. General
Once a loop traverse has been adjusted, how can its area be determined?

We could divide the complex polygon into a series of triangles, compute the area of each triangle, then sum them.

There are quite a few possible triangle combinations:
The more points on the traverse, the more triangles and combinations.
It becomes even more interesting on traverses with concave sides:

Regardless, there are quite a few calculations involved using triangles.
As with other surveying calculations, we need a systematic approach to determine traverse area.

B. Area By Coordinates
1. Concepts
There is a general equation for the area of a closed non-crossing polygon using the coordinates of its vertices. This equation is:

In terms of N and E coordinates, the equation is:

The equation looks complex, more so if you expand all the terms. Rather them remember the equation, it's easier to remember its pattern:
Select a start point (doesn't matter which)
Going in sequence around the exterior (direction doesn't matter) list each coordinate pair in two columns: one for X (or E), the other for Y (or N).
Repeat the first coordinate pair at the bottom.
Using X/Y coords Using N/E coords
Cross multiply the coordinates and sum the products
Using X/Y coords

Using N/E coords

The units of the cross products are square linear units - if coordinates are in ft, cross products are sq ft.
Area is half the difference of the sums

The absolute value is used since the area could be negative depending on the combination of direction around the traverse, coordinate pairing (eg, X/Y vs Y/X), and cross multiplication order.
Doesn't look much simpler than memorizing the equation, does it? Actually, it's pretty easy to remember once you do it.

2. Examples
Although we carried an additional digit in all previous computations, we'll carry a few more extra here. We'll discuss the area error at the end of this section but for now we want to over-compute the area accuracy then report it to an appropriate resolution after we analyze it. If we don't carry additional digits, we could easily increase error due to rounding. To be on the safe side, we'll carry the computations to 0.1 which should be lower than the expected error.
a. Traverse 1
Continuing with the first traverse from the Coordinates section:

The previously computed coordinates of the traverse points are:
Point North (ft) East (ft)
A 500.000 2000.000
B 323.614 1561.426
C 526.996 1488.321
D 719.336 1686.956
Step (1) Start at point A and going clockwise around the traverse list the coordinates:
Point N (ft) E (ft)
A 500.000 2000.000
B 323.614 1561.426
C 526.996 1488.321
D 719.336 1686.956
A 500.000 2000.000  remember to return to A
Step (2) Cross multiply in one direction:
Point N (ft) E (ft) (/) (sq ft)
A 500.000 2000.000 647,228.0
B 323.614 1561.426 822,865.2
C 526.996 1488.321 1,070,602.9
D 719.336 1686.956 843,478.0
A 500.000 2000.000
Step (3) Cross multiply in the other direction
Point N (ft) E (ft) (/) (sq ft) (\) (sq ft)
A 500.000 2000.000 647,228.0
B 323.614 1561.426 822,865.2 780,713.0
C 526.996 1488.321 1,070,602.9 481,641.5
D 719.336 1686.956 843,478.0 889,019.1
A 500.000 2000.000 1,438,672.0
Step (4) Add up the columns
Point N (ft) E (ft) (/) (sq ft) (\) (sq ft)
A 500.000 2000.000 647,228.0
B 323.614 1561.426 822,865.2 780,713.0
C 526.996 1488.321 1,070,602.9 481,641.5
D 719.336 1686.956 843,478.0 889,019.1
A 500.000 2000.000 1,438,672.0
  sums: 3,384,174.1 3,590,045.6
Step (5) Compute the area

Until we discuss area accuracy more fully, we'll state the area as 102,935.8 sq ft.

b. Traverse 2
Continuing with the second traverse from the Coordinates section:

The previously computed coordinates of the traverse points are:
Point North (ft) East (ft)
E 1000.000 200.000
F 689.206 532.694
G 896.890 627.584
H 692.474 257.460
With a crossing traverse, one must be careful when listing the coordinates. In this case, if you list the coordinates along the original traverse path, E-F-G-H-E, you will be able to compute an area but it will be nonsensical. The traverse turns itself inside out.
Recall that this survey was on a four-sided parcel having two obstructed lines:

We desire the area of the parcel, not the traverse.
Step (1) Start at point E and going clockwise around the parcel list the coordinates:
Point N (ft) E (ft)
E 1000.000 200.000
G 896.890 627.584
F 689.206 532.694
H 692.474 257.460
E 1000.000 200.000  remember to return to E
Step (2)-(4) Cross multiply in both directions; sum the columns:
Point N (ft) E (ft) (/) (sq ft) (\) sq ft
E 1000.000 200.000 179,378.0
G 896.890 627.584 432,534.7 624,584.0
F 689.206 532.694 368,876.7 477,767.9
H 692.474 257.460 257,460.0 177,443.0
E 1000.000 200.000 138,494.8
  1,238,252.4 1,418,289.7
Step (5) Compute the area
C. Area By DMDs
1. Concept
A traditional method of computing area of a closed polygonal traverse is by DMDs: Double Meridian Distances.
A meridian distance (MD) is the distance from a reference meridian to the center of a line: measured in the East (X) direction:

The reference meridian can be placed anywhere, but generally, it passes thru the first part of the traverse. Triangular and trapezoidal areas can be computed by multiplying a meridian distance by the latitude of the respective line. The base of each triangle or trapezoid coincides with the meridian. Adding the areas, some of which are negative based on the latitude and meridian distance, results in the area of the polygon.
Why then the Double Meridian Distance? Well if we start at point A in the example traverse and begin computing meridian distances, we begin to see a pattern develop:

See all those 1/2's? By removing them, we would be computing Double Meridian Distances (DMDs).

Notice that the DMD of the last line is the same as the departure of that line except with an opposite math sign. That's the math check.
Multiplying each line's DMD by its latitude and summing the results, we wind up with double the area.

Just like area by coordinates it looks pretty confusing, but there is a pattern that helps guide the calculations.
You'll sometimes see reference to Area by DPDs (Double Parallel Distance). This is identical to the DMD method except everything is rotated 90°. Parallel distances are determined from an E/W reference line (a parallel) and multiplied by the latitudes.

2. Examples
a. Traverse 1
Using the same loop traverse as the first area by coordinates example

Line Lat (ft) Dep (ft)
AB -176.386 -438.574
BC +203.382 -73.105
CD +192.340 +198.635
DE -219.336 +313.044
Step (1) Compute the DMDs
Starting with line AB

If you look at the Deps and DMDs in the table, you notice a pattern to the computations. Follow the colored arrows starting with the dep of the first line, adding as you go:

Line Lat (ft) Dep (ft) DMD (ft)
AB -176.386 -438.574 -438.574
BC +203.382 -73.105 -950.253
CD +192.340 +198.635 -824.723
DE -219.336 +313.044 -313.044
Step (2) Multiply DMDs by Lats; sum the products
Line Lat (ft) Dep (ft) DMD (ft) DMD x Lat (sq ft)
AB -176.386 -438.574 -438.574 +77,358.3
BC +203.382 -73.105 -950.253 -193,264.4
CD +192.340 +198.635 -824.723 -158,627.2
DE -219.336 +313.044 -313.044 +68,661.8
  sum: -205,871.5
Step (3) Compute the area

Note that this is the same as computed by coordinates.

b. Traverse 2
What about the crossing traverse?
Well, the parcel area can't be determined by DMDs without additional computations. By definition, Area by DMDs is limited to travel along the traverse path so you would be computing the area of E-F-G-H-E. To compute the area of the parcel by DMDs, you would need to determine the lat and dep of lines EF and FH. By the time that was done, the area could have been computed by coordinates.
D. Closing
1. Computation Method Comparison
Method Advantages Disadvantages
DMDs o Systematic approach
o No additional calculations besides the area computations
o Simple math check: last DMD o Limited to traverse path
Coordinates o Systematic approach
o Flexible: not limited to traverse path o More calculations: need coordinates before area computations
o Numbers can be huge if using large coordinates
o No math checks

2. Accuracy Revisited
a. How Accurate?
Which method is most accurate? Because both area calculation methods use the same adjusted latitudes and departures, they should have equal accuracy. The best way to determine area accuracy is to propagate all measurement and setup errors into it. Even with a computer that can be a daunting task. If surveying software is available, a sensitivity analysis can be done: vary multiple measurements by introducing reasonable errors into them and examine how the area changes.
A simplified approach can be used which uses basic error propagation along with the traverse precision. Envision a rectangular parcel which includes the same area as the traverse. Because the area of a rectangle is length times width, the Error of a Product can be used to approximate an accuracy.

The equation for Error of a Product is:

in terms of the rectangle

EW and EL are the expected errors in the width and length. What do we use for EW and EL?  We can approximate the errors using the traverse precision. The precision summarizes up the overall random error effects for that particular traverse. If we multiply a distance by the precision, p, it gives us an expected error in that distance.

Substituting that back into the equation and reducing:

This simplified method takes into account the overall quality of the traverse in the form of its precision.
b. Examples
Traverse 1
Prior to adjustment we determined its precision to be 1/11,900; area computed by coordinates is 102,935.8 sq ft.

Recall that throughout our calculations, up to that of the area, we carried an additional digit to minimize rounding errors. That means our area uncertainty would be expressed to two sig fig: ±12 sq ft.
The area should be expressed to a level compatible with the uncertainty: 102,936 sq ft.
Traverse 2
Prior to adjustment we determined its precision to be 1/10,100; area computed by coordinates is 90,018.76 sq ft.

Uncertainty is ±12 sq ft; show area as 190,018 sq ft.
Although both examples have an area error of ±12 sq ft, that's only because size and precision of both traverses are close to each other.
c. A final word
We generally have a tendency to overstate area accuracy: it's not uncommon to see a computer generated map with areas expressed to 0.01 sq ft. Surveyors sometimes get caught up in equipment specifications and forget about the propagated errors when multiple measurements are combined. After all, our total station reports distances to 0.01 ft and angles to 01". That should result in an uncertainty smaller than 12 sq ft, shouldn't it?
Consider this: How would the area of Traverse 1 be affected if we offset line AB by 0.01 ft?

We could approximate the area change with a 0.01' wide by 472.72 ft long rectangle - a difference of about 4.7 sq ft. That 0.01 ft offset would represent relatively small random errors in both lines CB and DA. Instrument and reflector centering errors and measurement errors could easily exceed 0.01 ft error per line. Include pointing errors measuring angles and the potential error can be substantial. Using similar equipment and procedures measuring larger traverses or traverses with more points will also increase the error in the area. So an error of 12 sq ft doesn't seem so bad now, does it?
Using the simplified error propagation discussed here allows the surveyor to express area to a reasonable level of uncertainty.

Line Directions
A. Meridian
A meridian is a north-south reference line. It is used as a basis for a direction, which describes a line’s orientation.
Common meridians include, but are not limited to:
Depending on the system, meridians may converge or may stay parallel.
Typical of Grid and Assumed systems, meridians are parallel. In a larger earth-based system, such as True, Astronomic, or Geodetic, meridians converge to a point (e.g., North Pole).
For small project areas such as a single lot survey, meridians can assumed to be parallel, regardless of system, without introducing significant error.
Most meridian systems (even Assumed) are constant over time. However, magnetic meridians change location and their change is not consistent. Magnetic meridians are important as the first instrument extensively used for property surveys was the compass. Although True directions were reported in the early Public Land Surveys, they were first measured by compass then converted using solar observation.
A surveyor will select an appropriate meridian for the project at hand and orient all survey lines to it. Sometimes directions based on one meridian must be converted to a different meridian in order to maintain consistency across surveys. We’ll look at that, along with magnetic direction conversions, in Meridian Conversions later.
We will use parallel meridians for the remainder of this discussion - convergency issues will be covered in a later Chapter.

B. Direction
A direction is angle from a meridian to a line. It is similar to a horizontal angle in a traverse except the backsight is always along the meridian.
There are two different ways to express line direction: bearing and azimuth.

1. Bearing
A bearing is an angle from the North or South end of the meridian turned to the East or West.  A bearing has three parts:
Prefix - N or S indicating which end of the meridian is turned from.
Suffix - E or W indicating turning direction from the meridian to the line.
N 66°40' E - from the North end of the meridian, turn 66°40' to the East.
  Bearing AB = N 66°40' E
Bearing AC = S 55°32' E
Bearing AD = S 44°21' W
A bearing falls in one of four quadrants so the angle does not exceed 90°. The angle is to the right (clockwise) in the NE and SW quadrants, to the left (counter-clock NW quadrants. A due North direction can be expressed as either N 00°00' E or N 00°00' W; due East as  N 90°00' E or S 90°00' E; similarly for dues South and West.; similarly for dues South and West.
A back-bearing is reverse of a bearing, that is, Bearing BA is the back-bearing of Bearing AB. Because the meridians are parallel at both ends of the line, the bearing angle is the same but quadrant is reverse. This is true only when meridians are parallel. Where meridians converge, the forward and back bearing angles will differ by the total convergence. More on this later.
Bearing AB = N 66°40' E
Bearing BA = S 66°40' W

2. Azimuth
An azimuth is an angle to the right (clockwise) from the meridian to the line. In most cases the azimuth is turned from the north meridian end; earlier control surveys used the south end. An azimuth varies from 0° to 360°.
  Azimuth AB = 66°40'
Azimuth AC = 124°28'
Azimuth AD = 224°21'
Azimuth AE = 322°26'
A back-azimuth is reverse of a azimuth: Azimuth CA is the back-azimuth of Azimuth AC. Because the meridians are parallel at both ends of the line, the back-azimuth and forward azimuth differ by 180°. As with bearings, this is true only when meridians are parallel. Where meridians converge, the forward and back azimuths will differ by (180° ± total convergence). More on this later.
Azimuth AC = 124°28'

Azimuth CA = 124°28' + 180°00' = 304°28'

3. Converting Between Bearings and Azimuths
Since Bearings and Azimuths are both referenced to a meridian it is simple to convert one to the other.
To convert from bearings to azimuths:
Quadrant From Bearing To Azimuth
NE N β E β
SE S β E 180° - β
SW S β W 180° + β
NW N β W 360° - β
  Azimuth AB = 66°40'
Azimuth AC = 180°00' - 55°32' = 124°28'
Azimuth AD = 180°00' + 44°21' = 224°41'
Azimuth AE = 360°00' - 37°34' = 322°26'
 To convert from an azimuth, α, to a bearing:
Quadrant To Bearing
NE N α E
SE S (180° - α) E
SW S (α - 180°) W
NW N (360° - α) W
  Bearing AB = N 64°40' E
Bearing AC = S (180°00'-124°28') E = S 55°32' E
Bearing AD = S (224°21' - 180°00') W = S 44°21' W
Bearing AE = N (360°00' - 322°26') W = N 37°34' W
Rather then memorize tables, drawing a sketch will help determine correct conversion logic to use.
C. Angles and Directions
1. Angles to Directions
Starting with a direction for one traverse line, directions of the others can be computed from the horizontal angles linking them. The process of addition or subtraction is dependent on the type of horizontal angle (interior, deflection, etc), turn direction (clockwise or counterclockwise), and direction type (bearing or azimuth).
The bearing of line GQ is S 42°35' E. The angle right at Q from G to S is 112°40'. What is the bearing of the line QS?

Add meridian at Q:

At Q, the bearing to G is N 42°35' W.
Subtracting 42°35' from 112°40' gives the angle from North to the East for line  QS.
Bearing QS = N 70°05" E

The azimuth of line WX is 258°13'. At X the deflection angle from W to L is 102°45' L. What is the azimuth of line XL?

A deflection angle is measured from the extension of a line. The azimuth of the  extension is the same as that of the line. To compute the next azimuth , the deflection angle is added directly to the previous azimuth.
Because this is a left deflection angle, you would add a negative angle.  
Add meridian at X:

Azimuth XL = 258°13' + (-102°45') = 155°28'
Notice how a sketch makes it easier to see the angle and direction relationships.

2. Directions to Angles
Given directions of two adjacent lines, it is a simple matter to determine the angle between the lines.
The bearing of line HT is N 35°16' W , the bearing of line TB is N 72°54' E. What is the angle right at T from B to H?

Label the back-direction at T and angle to be computed, δ.

Based on the sketch, the desired angle is what’s left over after both bearing angles are subtracted from 180°00'.
δ = 180°00' - (72°54' + 35°16') = 71°50"
The azimuth of line MY is 106°12', the azimuth of line YF is 234°06'. What is the angle right at Y from F to M?

Label the back-azimuth at Y and angle to be computed, ρ.

ρ = 286°12' - 234°06' = 52°06'

3. Traverse Direction Computations
Example 1
Given the following traverse and horizontal angles:

Using a bearing of N 36°55' E for line AB, determine the bearings of the remaining lines clockwise around the traverse.
Many survey texts use a tabular approach to compute traverse line directions from angles. For the beginner this can be confusing and lead to erroneous directions. It helps to instead draw sketches in order to visualize the line relationships.
At point B:

  β = 117°19' - 36°55' = 80°24'
Brg BC = S 80°24' E

At point C:
  γ = 180°00' - (80°24' + 87°42') = 11°54'
Brg CD = S 11°54' W
At point D:
  η = 93°38' - 11°54' = 81°44'
Brg DA = N 81°44' W
The directions for all four traverse lines have been computed. Angles at B, C, and D have been used, but that at A has not. For a math check, use the Bearing of DA and the angle at A to compute the bearing we started with.
At point A:
  α = 180°00' - (61°21' + 81°44') = 36°55'
Brg AB = N 36°55' E  check
If our computed and initial bearings for AB don’t match it means one of two things:
there is a math error in our computations, or,
the interior angles weren’t balanced.
For this traverse the angles sum to 360°00' so there is no angular misclosure. If our math check had failed it would have been due to a math error in our computations.
Had the angles not been balanced and if there were no math errors, the math check would be off by the angular misclosure.
Line Bearing
AB N 36°55' E
BC S 80°24' E
CD S 11°54' W
DA N 81°44' W

Example 2
Given the following traverse and horizontal angles:

Using a azimuth of 68°00' E for line OP, determine the azimuths of the remaining lines counter-clockwise around the traverse.

At point P:
  Line PQ is 92°48' right of Azimuth PO.
Az PO is the back azimuth of Az OP
Az PQ = (Az OP + 180°00') + Angle P
Az PQ = (68°00' + 180°00') + 92°48' = 340°48'

At point Q:
  Line QR is 112°26' to the right from Az QP
The Az QP is the back azimuth of Az PQ
Az QR = (Az PQ + 180°00') + Angle Q
Az QR = (304°48'-180°00') + 112°26' = 273°14'
At point R:
  Line RO is 67°14' right from Az RQ
The Az RQ is the back azimuth of Az QR
Az RO = (Az QR + 180°00') + Angle R
Az RO = (273°14' - 180°00') + 67°14' = 160°28'
The directions for all four traverse lines have been computed. Angles at P, R, and R have been used, but not the angle at O. For a math check, use Azimuth RO and the angle at O to compute the original Az OP.
At point O:
  Line OP is 87°32' right of Az OR.
Az OR is the back azimuth of Az RO.
Az OP = (Az RO + 180°00') + Angle O
Az OP = (160°28' + 180°00') + 87°32' = 428°00'
Because the azimuth crosses North, subtract 360°00' to normalize it.
Az OP = 428°00' - 360°00' = 68°00'  check!
Line Bearing
OP 68°00'
PQ 340°48'
QR 273°14'
RO 160°28'
You’ll note there is a computing pattern:
    New Az = (Previous Az + 180°00') + Angle.
This is true for a loop traverse meeting these conditions:
Directions are counter-clockwise around the traverse, and,
Angles are interior to the right.
What if the directions are clockwise around the traverse and interior angles counter-clockwise?
    New Az = (Previous Az - 180°00') - Angle
Other patterns exist for clockwise travel with clockwise interior angles, clockwise exterior angles, counterclockwise exterior angles, etc. Rather than memorize the possible patterns, draw a sketch, and begin computing; the pattern will present itself after a few lines.

Latitudes and Departures
A. Definition; Equations
Latitude is the north-south component of a line; departure the east-west. North latitudes are positive, South are negative; similarly East departures are positive, West are negative.
The latitude of line AB is North (+), its departure is East (+). The latitude of line CD is South (-), its departure is West (-).
Latitude (Lat) and Departure (Dep) are computed from:

Dir can be either a bearing angle or azimuth angle.

Because a bearing angle never exceeds 90°, the Lat and Dep equations will always return positive values.
  Sin(0°) to Sin(90°) ranges from 0 to +1.0
Cos(0°) to Cos(90°) ranges from +1.0 to 0
The correct mathematical sign for the Lat and Dep come from the bearing quadrant.
A bearing of S 47°35' E has a negative Lat (South) and a positive Dep (East).
An azimuth angle ranges from 0° to 360°, so the sine and cosine return the correct signs on the Lat and Dep.

Reversing a line direction results in the same magnitude Lat and Dep but reversed signs: Lat and Dep but reversed signs:
Line A to B Line B to A
LatAB is North
DepAB is East LatBA is South
DepBA is West

B. Closure
On a closed loop traverse, the sum of the Lats should equal zero as should the sum of the Deps.
Closure condition:

Most traverses won’t close perfectly due to the presence of errors. If the field crew followed careful procedures and compensated distance measurements for atmospheric conditions, only random errors prevent achieving perfect closure: event achieving perfect closure:
Actual closure:


The Linear Closure, LC, is the total misclosure distance. It is computed from the Lat and Dep errors:

Traverse precision is a function of the linear closure and the total survey distance. The precision is stated as a relative value, usually as 1 unit of error per D units measured:

What is allowable minimum precision? It depends on the survey purpose. Traditional first order surveys have a required precision of 1/100,000; in Wisconsin a property survey must be at least 1/3000. In order to achieve a formal minimum precision, specific equipment and field procedures must be used which match that precision requirement. Achieving a minimum precision should be by design not by accident.

C. Examples
In the following examples shown, all calculations are shown with an additional significant figure. Because these are generally intermediate computations, carrying an additional digit minimizes roundoff error in subsequent calculations.
When reporting results of an intermediate calculation, those should be stated to the correct number of significant figures so as not to imply an accuracy beyond that of the measurements.
1. Traverse with bearings

Lat and Dep will always compute as positive; must assign correct mathematical sign based on the bearing quadrant.

Line AB

Because the bearing is South and West, the Lat and Dep are -176.357' and -438.548' respectively.
Line BC

Because the bearing is North and West, the Lat and Dep are +203.395' and -73.093' respectively.
Line CD

Because the bearing is North and East, the Lat and Dep are +192.357' and +198.651' respectively.
Line DA

Because the bearing is South and East , the Lat and Dep are -219.312' and +313.065' respectively
In tabular form:
Line Bearing Length (ft) Lat (ft) Dep (ft)
AB S 68°05'35"W 472.68   -176.357 -438.548
BC N 19°46'00"W 216.13   +203.395 -73.093
CD N 45°55'20"E 276.52   +192.357 +198.651
DA S 54°59'15"E 382.24   -219.312 +313.065
   sums: 1347.57   +0.083 +0.075
  Distance   Lat err Dep err
  too far N too far E

2. Traverse with azimuths

Lat and Dep will always compute directly with the correct sign when using azimuths.

Line ST

Line TU

Line UV

Line VS

Line Azimuth   Length (ft) Lat (ft) Dep (ft) Dep (ft) Dep (ft)
ST 309°05'38" 347.00   +218.816 -269.311
TU 258°34'22" 364.55   -72.226 -357.324
UV 128°04'44" 472.74   -291.560 +372.123
VS 60°21'26" 292.94   +144.885 +254.602
  sums: 1477.23   -0.085 +0.090
  Distance   Lat err Dep err
  too far S too far E

3. Crossing Traverse
A four-sided parcel has two obstructed lines.

In order to create a closed traverse, the survey crew measures a crossing traverse which connects all four points.
  As long as a traverse closes back on its beginning point, the closer condition is still:

regardless of how many times it may cross itself.
Given this traverse data, determine its closure and precision.

Rather than write out each Lat and Dep computation separately, we can simply set up the table and record the computations in it.
Line Azimuth   Length (ft) Lat (ft) Dep (ft)
EF 133°02'45" 455.03   -310.780 +332.737
FG 24°33'35" 228.35   +207.691 +94.912
GH 241°05'15" 422.78   -204.403 -370.084
HE 349°25'20" 213.85   +307.534 -57.430
  sums: 1419.28   +0.042 +0.135
  Distance   Lat err Dep err
  too far N Too far E

Traverse Adjustment
A. Adjusting a Traverse
Adjusting a traverse (also known as balancing a traverse) is used to distributed the closure error back into the angle and distance measurements.
Raw field traverse
Adjusted (Balanced) Traverse

The condition for an adjusted traverse is that the adjusted Lats and Deps sum to 0.00. As with other survey adjustments, the method used to balance a traverse should reflect the expected error behavior and be repeatable.

Method Premise Advantage Disadvantage
Ignore Don't adjust anything. Simple; repeatable Ignores error
Arbitrary Place error in one or more measurements Simple Not repeatable; ignores error behavior
Compass Rule Assumes angles and distances are measured with equal accuracy so error is applied to each. Simple; repeatable; compatible with contemporary measurement methods. Treats random errors systematically
Transit Rule Assumes angles are measured more accurately than distances; distances receive greater adjustment. Simple; repeatable; compatible with older transit-tape surveys. Treats random errors systematically; not compatible with contemporary measurement methods.
Crandall Method Quasi-statistical approach. Angles are held and errors are statistically distributed into the distances. Allows some random error modeling; repeatable. Models only distance errors, not angle errors.
Least squares Full statistical approach. Allows full random error modeling; repeatable; can mix different accuracy and precision measurements; provides measurement uncertainties. Most complicated method

The Compass Rule works sufficiently well for simple surveying projects and is the one we will apply.

B. Compass Rule
The Compass Rule (also known as the Bowditch Rule) applies a proportion of the closure error to each line.
For any line IJ

The Compass Rule distributes closure error based on the proportion of a line's length to the entire distance surveyed.

C. Adjusted Length and Direction
Regardless of the adjustment method applied, changing a line's Lat and Dep will in turn change the length and direction of the line.

The adjusted length can be computed from the Pythagorean theorem:

Computing direction is a two-step process: (1) Determine b, the angle from the meridian to the line (2) Convert b into a direction based on the line's quadrant
To determine b:

b falls in the range of -90° to +90°.
The sign on b indicates the direction of turning from the meridian: (+) is clockwise, (-) is counter-clockwise. The combined signs on the adjusted Lat and Dep will identify the line's quadrant.
The following diagram shows the relationship for the various mathematic combinations of the adjusted Lat and Dep:


D. Examples
These examples are a continuation of those from the Latitudes and Departures section.
1. Example with Bearings

Line Bearing Length (ft) Lat (ft) Dep (ft)
AB S 68°05'35"W 472.68 -176.357 -438.548
BC N 19°46'00"W 216.13 +203.395 -73.093
CD N 45°55'20"E 276.52 +192.357 +198.651
DA S 54°59'15"E 382.24 -219.312 +313.065
sums: 1347.57 +0.083 +0.075
Distance Lat err
too far North Dep err
too far East

a. Adjust the Lats and Deps

Line AB

Line BC

Line CD

Line DA

Check the closure condition
Line Lat (ft) Dep (ft)
AB -176.386 -438.574
BC +203.382 -73.105
CD +192.340 +198.635
DE -219.336 +313.044
sums: 0.000 0.000
check check

A common mistake is to forget to negate the Lat err and Dep err in the correction equations. If that happens, the closure condition will be twice what it originally was as the corrections were applied in the wrong direction.
b. Compute adjusted lengths and directions

Line AB
Adj Lat = -176.386 <- South
Adj Dep = -438.574 <- West

Because it's the SW quadrant, Brng = S 68°05'27.4" W.
Line BC
Adj Lat = +203.382 <- North
Adj Dep = -73.105 <- West

Because it's the NW quadrant, Brng = N 19°46'14.9" W
Line CD
Adj Lat = +192.340 <- North
Adj Dep = +198.635 <- East

Because it's the NE quadrant, Brng = N 45°55'20.7" E
Line DA
Adj Lat = -219.336 <- South
Adj Dep = +313.044 <- East

Because it's the SE quadrant, Brng = S 54°58'58.0" E
Adjustment summary
Adjusted Adjusted
Line Lat (ft) Dep (ft) Length Bearing
AB -176.386 -438.574 472.715 S 68°05'27.4" W
BC +203.382 -73.105 216.122 N 19°46'14.9" W
CD +192.340 +198.635 276.479 N 45°55'20.7" E
DE -219.336 +313.044 382.237 S 54°58'58.0" E

2. Example with Azimuths

Line Azimuth Length (ft) Lat (ft) Dep (ft)
ST 309°05'38" 347.00 +218.816 -269.311
TU 258°34'22" 364.55 -72.226 -357.324
UV 128°04'44" 472.74 -291.560 +372.123
VS 60°21'26" 292.94 +144.885 +254.602
sums: 1477.23 -0.085 +0.090
Distance Lat err
too far South Dep err
too far East

a. Adjust the Lats and Deps

Line ST

Line TU

Line UV

Line VS

Check the closure condition
Line Lat (ft) Dep (ft)
ST +218.836 -269.332
TU -72.205 -357.346
UV -291.533 +372.094
VS +144.902 +254.584
sums: 0.000 0.000
check check
b. Compute adjusted lengths and directions

Line ST
Adj Lat = +218.836 <- North
Adj Dep = -269.332 <- West

Because it's in the NW quadrant: Az = 360°00'00"+(-50°54'20.4") =309°05'39.6"
Line TU
Adj Lat = -72.205 <- South
Adj Dep = -357.346 <- West

Because it's in the SW quadrant: Az = 180°00'00"+(78°34'36.0") = 258°34'36.0"
Line UV
Adj Lat = -291.533 <- South
Adj Dep = +372.094 <- East

Because it's in the SE quadrant: Az = 180°00'00"+(-51°55'17.6") = 128°04'42.4"
Line VT
Adj Lat = +144.902 <- North
Adj Dep = +254.584 <- East

Because it's in the NE quadrant: Az = 60°21'09.7"
Adjustment summary:
Adjusted Adjusted
Line Lat (ft) Dep (ft) Length (ft) Azimuth
ST +218.836 -269.332 347.029 309°05'39.6"
TU -72.205 -357.346 364.568 258°34'36.0"
UV -291.533 +372.094 472.700 128°04'42.4"
VS +144.902 +254.584 292.933 60°21'09.7"

3. Crossing Loop Traverse
As long as a traverse closes back on its beginning point, it can be adjusted the same as any other loop traverse.

Line Azimuth Length (ft) Lat (ft) Dep (ft)
EF 133°02'45" 455.30 -310.780 +332.737
FG 24°33'35" 228.35 +207.691 +94.912
GH 241°05'15" 422.78 -204.403 -370.084
HE 349°25'20" 312.85 +307.534 -57.430
  sums: 1419.28 +0.042 +0.135
  Dist Lat err
too far N Dep err
too far E

Adjust and recompute each line.

Line EF

Because it's in the SE quadrant: Az = 180°00'00"+(-46°56'57.1") = 133°03'02.9"

Line FG

Because it's in the NE quadrant: Az = 24°33'19.7"
Line GH

Because it's in the SW quadrant: Az = 180°00'00"+(61°05'18.8") =241°05'18.8"
Line HE

Because it's in the NW quadrant: Az = 360°00'00"+(-10°35'00.5") = 349°24'59.5"
Adjustment summary:
  Adjusted Adjusted
Line Lat (ft) Dep (ft) Length (ft) Azimuth
EF -310.794 +332.694 455.278 133°03'02.9"
FG +207.684 +94.890 228.335 24°33'19.7"
GH -204.416 -370.124 422.821 241°05'18.8"
HE +307.525 -57.460 312.847 349°24'59.5'
sums: -0.001 0.000
  check (rounding) check
A. General
Point position can be expressed in relative or absolute terms
1. Relative position
A relative position is the either the (a) length and direction, or, (b) latitude and departure between two points.
Give the following adjusted traverse:

(a) Lengths and directions around a traverse defines the relative location successive traverse points.
Point B is 472.72 feet from A at a bearing of S 68°05'27"W.
Point C is 216.12 feet from B at a bearing of N 19°46'15"W.
(b) In terms of latitudes and departures
Point B is 176.39 ft South and 438.57 ft West of A.
Where is point C relative to A? Because the two points are not directly connected on the traverse, it requires a little more computing.
Lat A to C: [-472.72 ft x cos(68°05'27") + 216.12 ft x cos(19°46'15")] = +26.99 ft
Dep A to C: [-472.72 ft x sin(68°05'27") - 216.12 ft x sin(19°46'15")] = -511.68 ft
Point C is 28.99 ft North and 511.68 ft West of point A. We could compute the lats and deps through point D instead of B - the distances from point A to C would be the same.
2. Absolute Position
An absolute position is a distance from a datum. In the case of a traverse point, two horizontal lines serve as the data. One line corresponds with the meridian, the other is perpendicular to it:

The meridional line is called either the Y or North (N) axis; the other the X or East (E) axis.
A point position is expressed as a coordinate pair are represent perpendicular distances from the two axes.
For example:

The coordinates of point P are X=225.64' and Y=320.95'
In terms of N & E:

The coordinates of point P are E=225.64' and N=320.95'
B. Coordinates Computations
1. Forward Computation
A forward computation uses a starting coordinate pair along with a distance and direction to determine another coordinate pair.

Starting with coordinates at P, computer coordinates at Q

To compute coordinates:

If X and Y axes are used:

For a complete traverse:

Start with known coordinates at T: NT, ET
Compute coordinates of Q:
Compute coordinates of R:
Compute coordinates of S:
Compute coordinates of T:
Computing back into T gives a math check: your end coordinates should be the same as the start coordinates.
In order for the math check to be met, adjusted lats and deps must be used.
Where do the start coordinates come from? They can be assumed or they could be from a formal coordinate system. We'll discuss formal coordinate systems in a later chapter.

2. Inverse Computation
An inverse computation is used to determine the distance and direction between two coordinate pairs. The computations involved are basically the same as those for determining a line's new length and direction from its adjusted lats and deps.
For the traverse shown below, how would we determine the length and direction of the line from point T to R?

Knowing the coordinates of the two points, we can determine the latitude and departure of the line from the coordinate differences:

Note that the differences are the To point minus the From point.


The mathematic signs on the coordinate differences determine the direction quadrant.

If X and Y coordinates are used, remember that Y corresponds to N and X corresponds to E:
C. Examples
1. Traverse 1
a. Forward Computation

Line Lat (ft) Dep (ft)
AB -176.386 -438.574
BC +203.382 -73.105
CD +192.340 +198.635
DE -219.336 +313.044
The coordinates of point A are 2000.000' N, 500.000' E.
Compute the coordinates of the remaining points.

b. Inverse Computation
What are the length ad bearing of the line A to C

Because ΔN is North and ΔE is West: N86°58'47.6"W
Line AC: 512.39' at N86°58'48"W

2. Traverse 2
a. Forward Computation

The coordinates of point E are 200.000' X, 1000.000' Y.
Compute the coordinates of the remaining points.
b. Inverse Computation
Determine the length and azimuth of the line from F to H.
     Remember: Y=>N; X=>E

Because ΔY is North and ΔX is West:

Line FH: 275.25' and azimuth of 270°40'49".
D. Closing
Although computing coordinates involves addition computations, they provide ability to indirectly determine other values. We saw examples here where the distance and direction can be determined between points not directly connected on a traverse. This is very useful where lines may be obstructed but we still need to determine them. We will see in the next section how coordinates facilitate area computation.
Later still in the Coordinate Geometry chapter, we'll see how integrating forward and inverse computations with trigonometric principles allow for greater field measurement and computational flexibility.
J. Mahun 06 Jun 2012
Coordinate Geometry Basics – Area of polygons
Welcome today’s lesson. In this lesson, we’ll establish the formula for finding out the area of a polygon, whose vertices are given. I’ll start with the triangle. You’ve already seen one (tedious) method of finding the area, which involved the distance formula. Here is a better one.
Consider a triangle with vertices A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2) and C(x3, y3). Lets start by making some construction.

Fig. 1: Area of a Triangle
The idea here is to express the area of the triangle ABC, in terms of other areas which can be calculatedmuch easily. These are the areas of the trapeziums ABED, ADFC and BEFC. The required area , Ar(ABC) = Ar(ABED) + Ar(ADFC) – Ar(BEFC)
Now, Ar(ABED) = ED.(BE + AD)/2 which equals (x2 – x1)(y2 + y3)/2
Similarly, the other areas can be found out, and after putting in the values we get, Ar(ABC) = 1/2[x1(y2 – y3) + x2(y3 – y1) + x3(y1 – y2)]
This can also be written as 1/2[(x1y2 – x2y1) + (x2y3 – x3y2) + (x3y1 – x1y3)].
The former expression is easier to remember. Note that this expression assumes that A,B and C are in anticlockwise order. Had they been clockwise order, this expression would have given the same answer with a negative sign. So we have two options to get the right answer, either ensure that the points are taken in anticlockwise order, or take the modulus of the expression.
Moving on to polygons. The method of finding the area remains the same. I’ll first illustrate finding out the area of a quadrilateral, and generalize the method it to a n-sided polygon.

Fig. 2: Area of a quadrilateral
The required area can again be expressed in the terms of the trapeziums’ areas. Ar(ABCD) = Ar(ABFE) + Ar(AEHD) – Ar(BFGC) – Ar(CGHD)
Putting in the values, we get Ar(ABCD)=1/2[(x1y2 – x2y1) + (x2y3 – x3y2) + (x3y4 – x4y3) + (x4y1 – x1y4)](similar to the second expression I mentioned for the triangle)
Similarly, the area of an n-sided polygon whose vertices (taken in anticlockwise order) are (x1, y1), (x2, y2) … (xn, yn) is given by 1/2[(x1y2 – x2y1) + (x2y3 – x3y2) + …… + (xny1 – x1yn)]
That’s it for now!



The DGPS (Differential Geographic Positioning System) Survey
These are surveys which are carried out using the differential GPS. It achieves higher positional accuracy by making use of the differential capabilities of two GPS antenna linked by a radio signal.
The DGPS Survey main features are:
·         Position is determined by distance from at least 4 satellites
·         Time taken by signal to travel from satellite to antenna used to determine the distance.
·         The base station calculates the difference between the specified coordinates of its location and those indicated by the satellites.
·         The base is continuously broadcasting a signal to the rover of this difference.
·         The rover then uses this same difference to accurately determine it’s location.

DGPS Advantages

·         Higher accuracy (+/-0.045m)
·         Real time data
·         Worldwide coverage
·         3D survey results
·         24 hours availability
·         Not affected by cloud cover

DGPS Application

·         Topographic surveys
·         Control establishment and densification
·         Positions, lines and levels setting-out
·         Azimuth determination
·         Collar pick-ups (X;Y;Z)

What is a differential GPS?
Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) is a method of providing differentialcorrections to a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver in order to improve the accuracy of the navigation solution. DGPS corrections originate from a reference station at a known location.

What is a mapping GPS?
The global positioning system (GPS) is a network of satellites that orbit the earth and send a signal to GPS receivers and Navigation devices, giving them the precise location, speed, and if you are in an aircraft or up a mountain, altitude.

How accurate is the GPS?

The United States government currently claims 4 meter RMS (7.8 meter 95% Confidence Interval) horizontal accuracy for civilian (SPS) GPS. Vertical accuracy is worse. Mind you, that's the minimum. Some devices/locations reliably (95% of the time or better) can get 3 meter accuracy.

Wednesday 22 June 2016



Total Station Error Sources

All theodolites measure angles with some degree of imperfection. These imperfections result from the fact that no mechanical device can be manufactured with zero error. In the past very specific measuring techniques were taught and employed by surveyors to compensate for minor mechanical imperfections in theodolites. With the advent of electronic theodolites, the mechanical errors still exist but are related to in a different way. One must now do more than memorize techniques that compensate for errors. One must clearly understand the concepts behind the techniques and the adjustments for errors that electronic theodolites now make. The following paragraphs provide the major sources of error when using a theodolite and also the particular method employed to compensate for that error.

a) Circle eccentricity

Circle eccentricity exists when the theoretical center of the mechanical axis of the theodolite does not coincide exactly with the center of the measuring circle. The amount of error corresponds to the degree of eccentricity and the part of the circle being read. When represented graphically circle eccentricity appears as a sine wave. Circle eccentricity in the horizontal circle can always be compensated for by measuring in both faces (opposite sides of the circle) and using the mean as a result. Vertical circle eccentricity cannot be compensated for in this manner since the circle moves with the telescope. More sophisticated techniques are required.
(1) Some theodolites are individually tested to determine the sine curve for the circle error in that particular instrument. Then a correction factor is stored in ROM that adds or subtracts from each angle reading so that a corrected measurement is displayed.
(2) Other instruments employ an angle-measuring system consisting of rotating glass circles that make a complete revolution for every angle measurement. These are scanned by fixed and moving light sensors. The glass circles are divided into equally spaced intervals which are diametrically scanned by the sensors. The amount of time it takes to input a reading into the processor is equal to one interval, thus only every alternate graduation is scanned. As a result, measurements are made and averaged for each circle measurement. This eliminates scale graduation and circle eccentricity error.

b) Horizontal collimation error

Horizontal collimation error exists when the optical axis of the theodolite is not exactly perpendicular to the telescope axis. To test for horizontal collimation error, point to a target in face one then point back to the same target in face two; the difference in horizontal circle readings should be 180 degrees. Horizontal collimation error can always be corrected for by meaning the face one and face two pointings of the instrument.
(1) Most electronic theodolites have a method to provide a field adjustment for horizontal collimation error. Again, the manual for each instrument provides detailed instruction on the use of this correction.
(2) In some instruments, the correction stored for horizontal collimation error can affect only measurements on one side of the circle at a time. Therefore when the telescope is passed through zenith (the other side of the circle is being read), the horizontal circle reading will change by twice the collimation error. These instruments are functioning exactly as designed when this happens.
(3) When prolonging a line with an electronic theodolite, the instrument operator should either turn a 180-degree angle or plunge the telescope and turn the horizontal tangent so that the horizontal circle reading is the same as it was before plunging the telescope.

c) Height of standards error:

In order for the telescope to plunge through a truly vertical plane the telescope axis must be perpendicular to the standing axis. As stated before there is no such thing as perfection in the physical world. All theodolites have a certain degree of error caused by imperfect positioning of the telescope axis. Generally, determination of this error should be accomplished by a qualified technician because horizontal collimation and height of standards errors interrelate and can magnify or offset one another. Horizontal collimation error is usually eliminated before checking for height of standards. Height of standards error is checked by pointing to a scale the same zenith angle above a 90-degree zenith in "face-one" and "face-two." The scales should read the same in face one as in face two.

d) Circle graduation error

In the past, circle graduation error was considered a major problem. For precise measurements surveyors advanced their circle on each successive set of angles so that circle graduation errors were “meaned out.” Current technology eliminates the problem of graduation errors. This is accomplished by photo-etching the graduations onto the glass circles and making a precise master circle and photographing it. An emulsion is then applied to the circle and a photo-reduced image of the master is projected onto the circle. The emulsion is removed and the glass circle has been etched with very precise graduations.

e) Vertical circle error

It is important to check the vertical circle indexing adjustment on surveying instruments on a routine basis. When direct and indirect zenith angles are measured to the same point, the sum of the two angles should equal 360°. Over time, the sum of these two angles may diverge from 360° and consequently cause errors in vertical angle measurements. While averaging the direct and indirect zenith angles easily eliminates this error, on many jobs it may not be cost effective to make two readings. Acceptable accuracy may still be maintained for many applications with only a direct reading; however, as long as the index error is kept to a minimum by periodically performing a vertical adjustment, such as TOPCON’s "Vertical Angle 0 Datum Adjustment." Most total stations are provided with some type of electronic adjustment to correct the vertical circle indexing error. This adjustment takes just a few seconds and will insure that you get good vertical angle readings with just one measurement. Consult the manufacturer’s manual for instructions on making this adjustment.

f) Pointing errors:

Pointing errors are due to both human ability to point the instrument and environmental conditions limiting clear vision of the observed target. The best way to minimize pointing errors is to repeat the observation several times and use the average as the result.

g) Uneven heating of the instrument.

Direct sunlight can heat one side of the instrument enough to cause small errors. For the highest accuracy, utilize an umbrella or pick a shaded spot for the instrument.

h) Vibrations

Avoid instrument locations that vibrate. Vibrations can cause the compensator to be unstable.

i) Collimation errors

When sighting points a single time (e.g., direct position only) for elevations, check the instrument regularly for collimation errors.

j) Vertical angles and elevations

When using total stations to measure precise elevations, the adjustment of the electronic tilt sensor and the reticule of the telescope becomes very important. An easy way to check the adjustment of these components is to set a baseline. A line close to the office with a  large difference in elevation will provide the best results. The baseline should be as long as the longest distance that will be measured to determine elevations with intermediate points at 100- to 200-ft intervals. Precise elevations of the points along the baseline should be measured by differential leveling. Set up the total station at one end of the baseline and measure the elevation of each point. Comparing the two sets of elevations provides a check on the accuracy and adjustment of the instrument. Accuracy requirements may dictate that more than one set of angles and distances is measured to each point. Some examples are distances over 600 feet, adverse weather conditions, and steep observations.

k) Atmospheric corrections

Meteorological data corrections to observed EDM slope distances may be significant over longer distances. Usually for most topographic surveying over short distances, nominal (estimated) temperature and pressure data is acceptable for input into the data collector. Instruments used to measure atmospheric temperature and pressure must be periodically calibrated. This would include psychrometers and barometers.

l) Optical plummet errors

The optical plummet or tribrachs must be periodically checked for misalignment. This would include total stations with laser plummets.

m) Adjustment of prism poles

When using prism poles, precautions should be taken to ensure accurate measurements. A common problem encountered when using prism poles is the adjustment of the leveling bubble. Bubbles can be examined by establishing a check station under a doorway in the office. First, mark a point on the top of the doorway. Using a plumb bob, establish a point under the point on the doorway. If possible, use a center punch to make a dent or hole in both the upper and lower marks. The prism pole can now be placed into the check station and easily adjusted.

n) Recording errors

The two most common errors are reading an angle incorrectly and/or entering incorrect information into the field book. Another common (and potentially disastrous) error is an incorrect instrument or rod height. Although electronic data collection has all but eliminated these errors, it is still possible for the surveyor to identify an object incorrectly, make a shot to the wrong spot, or input a bad target height (HR) or HI. For example, if the surveyor normally shoots a fire hydrant at the ground level, but for some reason shoots it on top of the operating nut, erroneous contours would result if the program recognized the fire hydrant as a ground shot and was not notified of this change in field procedure.

o) Angles

As a rule, a surveyor will turn a doubled angle for move-ahead, traverse points, property corners, or other objects that require greater accuracy. On the other hand, single angles are all that are required for topographic shots. Refer to the total station operating instructions for repeating angle methods where required.

p) Slope to grid and sea level EDM corrections

Slope distances will be reduced to horizontal distances in the data collector, and then reduced to a grid distance if a grid scale factor (or combined scale sea level factor) is input into the data collector. For most topographic survey applications involving short side shots, the grid scale factor is ignored (e.g., 1.000 is used). This would not be correct for control traverses covering larger distances. Scale factors can be obtained directly in CORPSCON.

q) EDM calibration

All EDM instruments should be periodically (at least annually) checked over a NGS Calibration Baseline or a baseline established by local state surveying societies.


Reconnaissance survey is done to examine the general character of the area for the purpose of determining the most feasible route or routes for further more detailed investigations.
Data collected from reconnaissance survey is used for feasibility study of all different routes, preparation of approximate estimates of quantities and costs. This helps in selection of most suitable alternatives. This survey also helps in determining any deviations required in the basic geometric standards to be adopted for the highway facility.
Reconnaissance survey is generally not required for the work consisting of improvements to existing roads unless bypass roads are involved.
Reconnaissance Survey Methods:
The reconnaissance survey methods may be conducted in the following sequence:
a) Study of topographical survey sheets, agricultural, soil, geological and meteorological maps and aerial photography.
b) Aerial photography wherever necessary and feasible, and
c) Ground reconnaissance including another round of serial reconnaissance for inaccessible and difficult stretches, where required.

Study of Survey Sheets and Maps:

Reconnaissance survey starts with a study of the all available maps. After study of the topographical features on the maps, a number of economical alignments feasible in a general way are selected keeping in view the following points:
(i) The alignment to take into account all the control points and to be shortened and more economical compatible with requirements of gradients and curvature.
(ii) Shape of the alignment.
(iii) Avoidance as far as possible of marshy ground, steep terrains, unstable hill features and areas subject to severe climatic conditions, flooding and inundation.
(iv) Need of connecting important villages and towns.
(v) Bridging problems, and
(vi) Need to preserve environment and maintain ecological balance.
The aerial photographs, if taken may be to a scale of 1:20000 to 1:50000 to supplement the information from topographic maps. If stereoscopic techniques are applied, aerial photographs can yield quantitative data, and if studied by a skilled photo interpreter, significant soil and subsoil information.

Aerial Reconnaissance Survey:

An aerial reconnaissance will provide a bird’s eye view of the alignments under consideration along with the surrounding area. It will help to identify factors which call for rejection or modification of any of the alignments. Final decision about the alignments to be studied in detail on the ground could be taken on the basis of the aerial reconnaissance.

Ground Reconnaissance Survey:

Ground reconnaissance consists of general examination of ground by walking or riding along the probable routes and collecting all available information necessary for evaluating the same. In the case of hill sections, it may be advantageous sometime to start the reconnaissance from an obligatory point situated close to the top. If an area is inaccessible for the purpose of ground reconnaissance, aerial method should be used to clear the doubts.
While reconnoitering on the ground, it is advisable to leave reference pegs to facilitate further survey operations.
Instruments generally used for ground reconnaissance include compass, Abney level / alti-meter, pedometer, aneroid barometer, clinometers, ghat tracer etc. Walkie-talkie sets are useful for communication, particularly in difficult terrain.
Use of instruments mentioned above to obtain ground slopes, maximum gradients, elevation of critical summits or stream crossings and location of obligatory points, serves as a check on the maps being used.

Reconnaissance Survey Reports:

Based on information collected during the reconnaissance survey, a report should be prepared. The report should include all relevant information collected during the survey and a plan to the scale of 1:50000 showing the alternative alignments studied along with their general profile and rough cost estimate. It should also discuss the merits and demerits of the different alternatives to help the selection of one or more alignments for detailed survey and investigation.

What Is Marine Surveying?

What Is Marine Surveying?
Marine surveying is the practice of inspecting marine equipment, primarily boats and cargo, to determine safety and market value. A marine surveyor may be called in to assess a damaged vessel for insurance purposes, appraise a vessel that is being sold, or even serve as an expert witness in court. Schools offering Engineering & Technology Management degrees can also be found in these popular choices.

Industry Overview
The marine surveying industry is comprised of independent, local marine surveying businesses and professional organizations, like the International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) and the National Association of Marine Surveyors (NAMS Global). Through these businesses and organizations, marine surveyors provide expert advice regarding the safety and value of marine equipment ranging from private yachts to cargo vessels. They may also act as claims investigators for insurance companies or provide expert testimony in marine-related trials.
There are many types of marine surveying. Three common categories are:
Surveyors of small watercraft
Machinery and hull surveyors
Cargo surveyors
Important Facts about this Occupation
Median Pay
$88,030 (2014)
Job Outlook
10% growth in employment 2012-2022, average (all surveyors)
Work Environment
Fieldwork is common; may be required to stand or walk outside for long periods
Similar Occupations
Land Surveyors, Surveying and Mapping Technicians, Cartographers, Geophysical Prospecting Surveyors
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Yachts and Small Vessels
These marine surveyors typically deal with watercraft that are less than 300 feet long. They might conduct an appraisal for someone selling a used yacht or conduct an insurance investigation of a boating accident.
Machinery and Hulls
Marine surveyors who are experts in machinery and hulls inspect industrial equipment like commercial ships, cranes, and barges. They assess the safety and market value of commercial and private vessels that are longer than 300 feet.
Marine surveyors who specialize in cargo are experts in assessing cargo transportation methods and damage. Cargo surveyors may be knowledgeable about various types of cargo, including rail, air, and marine.
Education and Training
If you'd like to learn more about the subject of marine surveying, or if you're thinking about becoming a marine surveyor, these educational options might interest you:
The Maritime College at the State University of New York offers certificates in various marine surveying topics, some of which are available via distance learning

The IIMS offers a handful of marine surveying courses