Wednesday 27 July 2016


1. Once you have selected your map - HOW do you use it?
It is necessary that the cadets know the following points in connection with the subject.
Planning is a very important part of any activity and time should be spent on getting to know the
area you intend to go. The sort of things to look out for are those features which stand out on the
map and would be easily recognisable on the ground. This is particularly useful if you or your party run into problems - remember your reaction will be quicker if you familiar with the map.

Once you are happy with your map and feel confident to use it you need to go out and gain some experience of comparing the map to the ground area. This may be achieved in towns, cities or local country side. Any map may be used even a street map as long as it gives the cadets practice in moving from one point to another.

2. If you look at any atlas of the world, you will get a good idea of how continental landmasses
lie compared to oceans. When the surface of the earth is shown on a flat piece of paper some
distortion takes place. You can spot errors of distortion if you look closely. For example Greenland is shown to be larger than India but in fact India is approximately four times the size of Greenland.
This happens because the surface of the earth is stretched at the poles and squeezed at the
equator to make it lie flat.
Maps tend to be accurate in shape and position (bearing) - they are inaccurate as far as distance
and area are concerned.
To allow more detail to be shown the world map can be broken down into many single sheet maps. You might think of it as using a microscope with the world under the lens. The more you zoom in the clearer the picture becomes and the more accurate the image you get.
3. To make map reading more enjoyable and to make cadets think, you may like to try some
of the following ideas.
a. Blindfold a cadet and then pace out a set distance in a straight line. Make a note of how
much drift there is and in what direction it was.
b. Have one cadet blindfolded and have another direct the first through a small obstacle
course (using paces and direction only).
c. Have the cadets draw a map of the town/village or city centre (from memory) then compare
the results to an actual map.
d. Try comparing old maps to new ones to see what changes have taken place in your
e. Mark out a route on an aerial photograph and have the cadets follow it.
f. Use different types of ground to find out different pace numbers and times i.e. 100m on -
paths, road, tracks, bracken, heather, sand, uphill and downhill.
4. Map reading can be fun but it also has a serious side. If you decide to go out for a walk
locally it is possible to get lost. A map can be a good friend to you when you are out walking – don’t leave home without one!

There are many types of maps in general use. Different types of map depict different types
of information. Although maps tend to suit a specific user, different types of map can sometimes be used by different groups. For map reading in the Corps the important factor is scale. The many types of map available on the market reflect the wide range of activities for which maps are needed.
Motoring atlas of the UK 1 inch to 3 mile scale
Cycle tours 1:50,000 or 1.25 inches to 1 mile
Explorer maps 4 cm to 1 Km or 2.5 inches to 1 mile
Pathfinders maps 4 cm to 1 Km or 2.5 inches to 1 mile
Coast to Coast maps
Travelmaster map 1 inch to 4 miles
Waterway guides
Outdoor Leisure maps 4 cm to 1 Km or 2.5 inches to 1 mile
National Trail guide 1:25,000
Historical maps and guides 1 cm to 25 cm or 25 inches to 1 mile
World Atlas
Local authority maps
Air maps
Agricultural maps
Marine maps
Political maps
There are now available CD-ROMS that contain information that you can interrogate, zoom

in or ‘walk’ through in detail.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Lesson Note On Digital Terrain Model (DTM)

Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
A digital terrain model (DTM) is a mathematical model of a project surface that becomes a three- dimensional representation (3D) of existing and proposed ground surface features. Critical calculations and processes based on the DTM include contouring, cross sections and quantities, drainage models, watersheds, hydraulics, water catchment areas, and cross sections sheets.
A DTM is created through the construction of a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) and is based on modeling the terrain surface as a network of triangular facets that are created by simply connecting each data point to its nearest neighboring points. Each data point (having x, y and z coordinates) is the vertices of 2 or more triangles. The advantage of the TIN method is its mathematical simplicity- all DTM calculations are either linear or planar.
The processes and the resulting DTM offer many advantages over a topographic survey. Field data for a DTM is collected in a way that allows TxDOT to use the latest in automated survey technology. Traditional data collection (for a topographic survey) involves taking cross sections, typically every 100 feet, along a horizontal control line or in a grid pattern. Digital terrain modeling has virtually eliminated this practice.
Data points (shots) are taken at every break in elevation with no particular pattern being required. The emphasis is on identifying all features and changes in elevation within project limits. Data is collected using an electronic data collector with an electronic total station. The data points are assigned feature codes, attributes, descriptions, comments, and connectivity linking codes to add intelligence to a point at the time of data entry into data collector.
Information is downloaded from the data collector to a computer, either in the field or later in an office, and is processed using AASHTOWare® Survey Data Management System®(SDMS) software. A SDMS® calculated file is generated for importation into CAiCE or GEOPAK Survey for further review. The file is then imported into GEOPAK® for project design.

Digital Terrain Model (DTM)

A digital terrain model (DTM) is a mathematical model of a project surface that becomes a three- dimensional representation (3D) of existing and proposed ground surface features. Critical calculations and processes based on the DTM include contouring, cross sections and quantities, drainage models, watersheds, hydraulics, water catchment areas, and cross sections sheets.
A DTM is created through the construction of a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) and is based on modeling the terrain surface as a network of triangular facets that are created by simply connecting each data point to its nearest neighboring points. Each data point (having x, y and z coordinates) is the vertices of 2 or more triangles. The advantage of the TIN method is its mathematical simplicity- all DTM calculations are either linear or planar.
Table 4.4 TSPS Manual of Practice Chart for Tolerances for Conditions

Urban Business, District Urban, Suburban & Industrial
Rural & Broad Area General Mapping
Remarks & Formulae
Error in Traverse Closure
System Control Loop
Unadjusted Level Loop Closure (ft.)
System Control Loop M=Miles
Secondary Traverse Closure
Between System Control Points
Secondary Level Loop Closure (ft.)
Between System Control Points
Positional Error of Any Primary Monument (horizontal)
For monuments used for Triangulation or Radial Surveying in respect to another
Positional Error of Any Primary Monument (vertical)
± .03 ft.
± 0.15 ft.
For permanent bench marks
*Contour Interval
2 ft.
10 ft.
Or as needed by the State
Contour Accuracy
± ½ Contour Interval
± ½ Contour Interval

Positional error of any Photo Control Point (horizontal and/or vertical)
0.50 ft.
2 ft.
Or as recommended by Photogrammetrist
Location of Improvements, Structures, and Facilities during survey
± 0.05 ft.
± 0.50 ft.
± 0.1 ft.
± 1 ft.
Vertical (inverts, flow lines)
Plotted location of Improvements, etc.
± 1/40 in.
± 1/40 in.
Symbols may be used for large scale maps indicating Center point
Scale of maps sufficient to show detail, but no less than
1'' – 200'
1'' – 2000'
Drawings are to show location of survey monuments and bench marks
The processes and the resulting DTM offer many advantages over a topographic survey. Field data for a DTM is collected in a way that allows TxDOT to use the latest in automated survey technology. Traditional data collection (for a topographic survey) involves taking cross sections, typically every 100 feet, along a horizontal control line or in a grid pattern. Digital terrain modeling has virtually eliminated this practice.
Data points (shots) are taken at every break in elevation with no particular pattern being required. The emphasis is on identifying all features and changes in elevation within project limits. Data is collected using an electronic data collector with an electronic total station. The data points are assigned feature codes, attributes, descriptions, comments, and connectivity linking codes to add intelligence to a point at the time of data entry into data collector.
Information is downloaded from the data collector to a computer, either in the field or later in an office, and is processed using AASHTOWare® Survey Data Management System®(SDMS) software. A SDMS® calculated file is generated for importation into CAiCE or GEOPAK Survey for further review. The file is then imported into GEOPAK® for project design.


A steel ring having an internal diameter of 8.99 in (228.346 mm) and a thickness of % in
(6.35 mm) is heated and allowed to shrink over an aluminum cylinder having an external
diameter of 9.00 in (228.6 mm) and a thickness of 1A in (12.7 mm). After the steel cools,
the cylinder is subjected to an internal pressure of 800 lb/in2 (5516 kPa). Find the stresses
in the two materials. For aluminum, E = 10 x 106 lb/in2 (6.895 x 107 kPa).
Calculation Procedure:
1. Compute the radial pressure caused by prestressing
Use the relation;? = 2ϕD/{LD2[l/(taEa) + l/tsEs)]}, where/? = radial pressure resulting
from prestressing, lb/in2 (kPa), with other symbols the same as in the previous calculation
procedure and the subscripts a and s referring to aluminum and steel, respectively. Thus,
p = 2(0.01)/{92[1/(0.5 x l 0 x 106) + 1/(0.25 >( 30 x 106)]) = 741 lb/in2 (5109.2 kPa).
2. Compute the corresponding prestresses
Using the subscripts 1 and 2 to denote the stresses caused by prestressing and internal
pressure, respectively, we find sa1 = pD/(2ta), where the symbols are the same as in the
previous calculation procedure. Thus, sa1 = 741(9)/[2(0.5)] = 6670-lb/in2 (45,989.7-kPa)
compression. Likewise, ss1 = 741(9)/[2(0.25)] = 13,340-lb/in2 (91,979-kPa) tension.
3. Compute the stresses caused by internal pressure
Use the relation s s2lsa2 = Es/Ea or, for this cylinder, ss2lsa2 = (30 x 106)/(10 x 106) = 3.
Next, compute sa2 from ta2 tsSs2 = pD/2, or sa2 = 800(9)/[2(0.5 + 0.25 x 3)] = 2880-
lb/in2 (19,857.6-kPa) tension. Also, ss2 = 3(2880) - 8640-lb/in2 (59,572.8-kPa) tension.
4. Compute the final stresses
Sum the results in steps 2 and 3 to obtain the final stresses: sa3 = 6670 - 2880 = 3790-
lb/in2 (26,132.1-kPa) compression; ss3 = 13,340 + 8640 = 21,980-lb/in2 (151,552.1-kPa)
5. Check the accuracy of the results
Ascertain whether the final diameters of the steel ring and aluminum cylinder are equal.
Thus, setting s' = 0 in ϕ/E> = (D/E)(s - vs') we find ϕDa = -3790(9)7(10 x 106) = -0.0034
in (-0.0864 mm), D0 = 9.0000 - 0.0034 = 8.9966 in (228.51 mm). Likewise, ϕDs =
21,980(9)7(30 x io6) = 0.0066 in (0.1676 mm), Ds = 8.99 + 0.0066 = 8.9966 in (228.51
mm). Since the computed diameters are equal, the results are valid.