Showing posts with label types of Leveling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label types of Leveling. Show all posts

Sunday 11 November 2018


Image result for reciprocal levelling

            Many sources of error exist in levelling and the most commonly met in practice are discussed. Firstly, one of the sources of error is errors in the equipment which is collimation error. This can be a serious source of error in levelling if the sight lengths from one instrument position are not equal, since the collimation error proportional to the difference in sight length. The line of collimation should be parallel to the line of sights. 
Image result for reciprocal levelling
Hence, in all types of levelling, sights should kept equal, particularly back sights and fore sights. Before using any level it is advisable to carry out a two-peg to ensure that the collimation error is as small as possible. Other than that, compensator not working. The function of compensator is to deviate the horizontal ray of light at the optical center of the object lens through the center of the cross hairs. This ensure that line of sight viewed through the telescope is horizontal.  
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If the reading changes to a different position each time the footscrew is moved or thr instrument tapped, the compensator is not working properly and the instrument should be returned to the manufacturer for repair. Parallax  also one of error in the equipment. Parallax must be eliminated before any readings are taken. Parallax is occur when the image of the distance point or object and focal plane are not fall exactly in the plane of the diaphragm. 
Image result for reciprocal levelling
To eliminate parallax, the eyepiece is first adjusted until the cross hairs appear in sharp focus. Then, defects on the staff  which is the incorrect graduation staff cause the zero error. This does not effect height differences if the same staff is used for all the levelling but introduces errors if to staves used for the same series of levels. When using a multisection staff, it is important to unsure that it is properly extended by examining the graduations on either side of each joint. The stability of tripods should also be checked before any fieldwork commences .
Image result for reciprocal levelling 
                     Secondly, field errors also source of error. The example of field errors is staff not vertical, failure to hold the staff vertical will result in incorrect readings. The staff is held vertical with the aid of a circular bubble. At frequent intervals the circular bubble should checked against plumb line and adjusted if necessary. Another example of field errors is unstable ground. When the instrument is set up on soft ground and bituminous surfaces on hot days, an effect often overlooked is that the tripod legs may sink into the ground or rise slightly while readings are being taken.This alters the height collimation and therefore advisable to choose firm ground on which to set up the level. 

After that, handling the instrument and tripod as well as vertical displacement, the HPC may be altered for any set-up if the tripod is held or leant against. When levelling, avoid contact with the tripod and only use the level by light contact through the fingertips. Then, instrument not level is also the field errors. For automatic levels this source of error is unusual but, for tilting level in which the tilting screw has to be adjusted for each reading, this is common mistake. The best solution is to ensure the main bubble is centralised before and after reading.
 Image result for reciprocal levelling
                 Thirdly, source of error is the effects of curvature and refraction on levelling. The effect of atmospheric on the line of sight is to bend it towards the Earth’s surface causing staff readings to be too low. This is variable effect depending on atmospheric condition but for ordinary work refraction is assumed to have value 1/7 that of curvature bit is of opposite sign. The combined and refraction correction is c + r = 0.0673 D². If longer sight lengths must be used, it is worth remembering that the effects of curvature and refraction will cancel if the sight length are equal. But, curvature and refraction cannot always be ignored when calculating heights using theodolite methods.
 Image result for reciprocal levelling
                  Lastly, source of error is reading and booking error and also weather conditions. Source of reading error is the sighting the staff over too long a distance, when it becomes impossible to take accurate readings. It is , therefore, recommended that sighting distances should be limited to 50m but, where absolutely unavoidable, this may be increased to maximum of 100m. For weather conditions, when it windy will cause the level to vibrate and give rise to difficulties in holding the staff steady. In hot weather, the effect of refraction are serious and produce a shimmering effect near ground level. The reading cannot be read accurately.


    Image result for reciprocal levelling
                Levelling is the process of measuring the difference in elevation between two or more points. In engineering surveying, levelling has many application and is used at all stages in construction projects from the initial site survey through the final setting out. In practice, it is possible to measure heights to better than a few millimeters when levelling  this precision  is more than adequate for height measurement on the majority of civil engineering project.
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The basic rules in practice when conducting a levelling fieldwork should be adhered to if many of the sources of error are to be avoided. Levelling should always start and finish  at points of known reduced level so that misclosures can be detected. When only one bench mark is available, levelling lines must be run in loops starting and finishing at the bench mark. 
Image result for reciprocal levelling
Where possible, all sights length should below 50m. The staff must be held vertically by suitable use of a circular bubble or by rocking the staff and notong the minimum reading. Backsight and fortsight length should be equal for each instrument position. For engineering application, many intermediate sight readings may be taken from each set- up. Under this circumstances it is important that the level has no more than a small collimation error. 
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Reading should book immediately after they are observed and important readings, particularly at change points, should be checked. The rise and fall method of reduction should used when heighting reference or change  points and the HPR method ( height of collimation) should be used for contouring , sectioning and setting out applications.
Image result for reciprocal levelling

Thursday 11 January 2018

Types of Leveling Methods used in Surveying

Types of Leveling Methods used in Surveying

Types of Leveling Methods used in Surveying

There are various types of leveling used in surveying for measurement of level difference of different points with respect to a fixed point. This is useful in various civil engineering construction works where levels of different structures need to be maintained as per drawing.

Table of Contents [hide]

1 What Is Leveling?

2 Types of Leveling in Surveying

2.1 Direct Leveling

2.1.1 Simple Leveling

2.1.2 Differential Leveling

2.1.3 Fly Leveling

2.1.4 Profile Leveling

2.1.5 Precise Leveling

2.1.6 Reciprocal Leveling

2.2 Trigonometric Leveling

2.3 Barometric Leveling

2.4 Stadia Leveling

What Is Leveling?

Leveling is a branch of surveying in civil engineering to measure levels of different points with respect to a fixed point such as elevation of a building, height of one point from ground etc.

Types of Leveling in Surveying

Direct leveling

Trigonometric leveling

Barometric leveling

Stadia leveling

Direct Leveling

It is the most commonly used method of leveling. In this method, measurements are observed directly from leveling instrument.

Based on the observation points and instrument positions direct leveling is divided into different types as follows:

Simple leveling

Differential leveling

Fly leveling

Profile leveling

Precise leveling

Reciprocal leveling

Simple Leveling

It is a simple and basic form of leveling in which the leveling instrument is placed between the points which elevation is to be find. Leveling rods are placed at that points and sighted them through leveling instrument. It is performed only when the points are nearer to each other without any obstacles.

Differential Leveling

Differential leveling is performed when the distance between two points is more. In this process, number of inter stations are located and instrument is shifted to each station and observed the elevation of inter station points. Finally difference between original two points is determined.

Fly Leveling

Fly leveling is conducted when the benchmark is very far from the work station. In such case, a temporary bench mark is located at the work station which is located based on the original benchmark. Even it is not highly precise it is used for determining approximate level.

Profile Leveling

Profile leveling is generally adopted to find elevation of points along a line such as for road, rails or rivers etc. In this case, readings of intermediate stations are taken and reduced level of each station is found. From this cross section of the alignment is drawn.

Precise Leveling

Precise leveling is similar to differential leveling but in this case higher precise is wanted. To achieve high precise, serious observation procedure is performed. The accuracy of 1 mm per 1 km is achieved.

Reciprocal Leveling

When it is not possible to locate the leveling instrument in between the inter visible points, reciprocal leveling is performed. This case appears in case of ponds or rivers etc. in case of reciprocal leveling, instrument is set nearer to 1ststation and sighted towards 2nd station.

Trigonometric Leveling

The process of leveling in which the elevation of point or the difference between points is measured from the observed horizontal distances and vertical angles in the field is called trigonometric leveling.

In this method, trigonometric relations are used to find the elevation of a point from angle and horizontal distance so, it is called as trigonometric leveling. It is also called as indirect leveling.

Barometric Leveling

Barometer is an instrument used to measure atmosphere at any altitude. So, in this method of leveling, atmospheric pressure at two different points is observed, based on which the vertical difference between two points is determined. It is a rough estimation and used rarely.

Stadia Leveling

It is a modified form of trigonometric leveling in which Tacheometer principle is used to determine the elevation of point. In this case the line of sight is inclined from the horizontal. It is more accurate and suitable for surveying in hilly terrains.

Read More: Types of Levels Used for Leveling in Surveying